This report documents the Policy Dialogue on how to deepen the transition to democratic governance in Central Africa, the second in the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) Africa and West Asia Regional 2015 Policy Dialogue Series, which took place at the Meridien Re-Ndama Hotel in Libreville, Gabon, on 14–15 December 2015.

The meeting took place against a background of growing signs of democratic regression, particularly in the past five years, as evidenced by numerous crises and the increasing socio-political tension facing all countries in the region.

The dialogue was structured as a two-day multi-stakeholder event designed to concentrate discussions on the structural preconditions for deepening the transition to democratic governance in Central Africa. The purpose was to identify the key reform issues that deserve urgent attention by all political leaders and other stakeholders in the region and constitute part of an agenda for work for the African Union, regional economic communities and other institutions such as International IDEA to develop effective measures to support efforts to deepen and sustain democratic governance in the region.


Publication date
10 August 2016
Number of pages


Executive Summary



Opening Session

1. Democratic Governance Deficits in Central Africa

2. The Political and Socio-economic Impact of the Democratic Governance Deficit

3. Overcoming Democratic Governance Deficits: Options for Regional Organizations

4. The Political Conditions for Deepening the Transition to Democratic Governance in Central Africa

5. The Institutional Conditions for Deepening the Transition to Democratic Governance in Central Africa

6. Security Conditions for Deepening the Transition to Democratic Governance in Central Afric

7. Deepening the Transition to Democratic Governance and the Socio-Economic Transformation of Central Africa

Closing ceremony



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Deepening the Transition to Democratic Governance in Central Africa

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