El Salvador will have its presidential elections (for president and vice president) next Sunday, 3 February 2019. Just over 5.2 million citizens are being called to elect the successor of Salvador Sánchez Cerén and Óscar Ortiz. This is the sixth presidential race since the signing of the Peace Accords in 1992. The continuity of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), which has been in power since 2009, is at stake.
En nuestros días, la situación política de América Latina es radicalmente diferente a la de hace 40 años. Con luces y sombras, la democracia se ha consolidado como la forma mayoritaria de gobierno y, pese a algunas fallas, América Latina puede presumir por primera vez 4 décadas de regímenes democráticos.
Nineteen African countries are scheduled to hold either a presidential, parliamentary or local council elections in 2019.
Young political and civil society activists gathered to analyze digital rights agendas, gender, diversity and youth, with a viewpoint on democratic innovation, an activity jointly organized by Asuntos del Sur, Hivos, Fundación Avina, Fundación Internet Bolivia and International IDEA.
Jóvenes militantes en la política y activistas de sociedad civil se reunieron para analizar las agendas de derechos digitales, género, diversidades y juventudes, en la perspectiva de la innovación democrática, una actividad co-organizada por Asuntos del Sur, Hivos, Fundación Avina, Fundación Internet Bolivia e IDEA Internacio
El programa de IDEA Internacional Bolivia promovió la realización de un Encuentro entre los Embajadores de los países donantes y la Sala Plena del Tribunal Supremo Electoral en el que la Presidenta Mgt. María Eugenia Choque efectuó una amplia explicación de los avances institucionales realizados en la gestión 2018, resaltando el trabajo efectuado por IDEA Internacional, que canaliza proyectos financiados por Suecia, España y la Unión Europea.
International IDEA’s programme in Bolivia advanced the fulfillment of an encounter between Ambassadors of donor countries and the Full Chamber of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), during which its president, María Eugenia Choque delivered a broad explanation of the institutional advances accomplished during the 2018 administration, highlighting the work carried out by International IDEA,which directs projects financed by Spain, Sweden and the European Union.
IDEA Internacional sigue trabajando para fortalecer y acrecentar las capacidades institucionales de los órganos jurisdiccionales electorales en América Latina y en otras regiones del mundo. Entre los logros más recientes, IDEA Internacional es ahora miembro y colaborador de la Red Mundial de Justicia Electoral (RMJE), iniciativa de alcance mundial del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF).
International IDEA continues its work to strengthen the institutional capacitiy of electoral jurisdictional bodies in Latin America and beyond. As part of this effort, International IDEA is now a member and collaborator of the Global Network on Electoral Justice.
Este artículo está disponible en español.
Committed to the principles and practices of democracy, the Secretary-General as the most senior officer of International IDEA, is ultimately responsible for the leadership of the institute, ensuring the mobilization of political and financial support to expand the Institute’s impact and relevance.
Collective demands for the constitutional accommodation of territorial cleavages are pervasive across very diverse contexts.
In many countries, political identification on the basis of territory is a central basis of political mobilization, around which political claims are framed, political parties formed, elections contested, governments composed, and constitutional claims made and resisted.
International IDEA organized a two-day roundtable discussion in The Hague, on 27 and 28 November 2018, to convene participants from electoral management bodies (EMBs) and cybersecurity agencies, as well as academics and independent experts from 20 countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, The United Kingdom and The United States of America.
The Office of International IDEA to the European Union organized on 7 December 2018, a Roundtable discussion on ”Political empowerment of women through ICTs”, with the support of the Canadian Mission to the European Union. The aim of the event was to share experiences and views on the availability and use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) tools to advance the political empowerment of women.
Dans le cadre de son programme d’appui au renforcement de la démocratie en Haïti, IDEA International a appuyé les partis dans leurs démarches d’institutionnalisation.
L’objectif étant que ces partis institutionnalisés, organisés, deviennent forces de propositions à travers leurs programmes politiques et constituent de véritables laboratoires de transformation sociale et sociétale.
Since the Maidan revolution of 2014, Ukraine has embarked on an ambitious decentralisation process that will see more governance responsibilities be transferred to the local level in years to come. On 13 December therefore, International IDEA presented its ‘State of Local Democracy Assessment in Ukraine’.
The Office of International IDEA to the European Union organized a Meeting of Representatives of International IDEA Member States in Brussels on 3 December 2018. The meeting was hosted by the Permanent Mission of the African Union to the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.
Luxembourg joined International IDEA as the 32nd Member State of the organization when the Council of Member States met in Stockholm on 13 December 2018. The Member States welcomed Luxembourg to the organization and looked forward to cooperating to promote sustainable democracy worldwide. Luxembourg noted in its application that the country subscribes to the mandate of International IDEA to promote and strengthen sustainable democracy at the global and national levels.
The Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) is an annual summit that brings together senior government officials and other notables from the Asia Pacific region and around the world to grapple with a theme in democracy.
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This article is available in English.