Funding of political parties and candidates is a necessary component of political participation and representation. Yet, if such political finance systems are not effectively regulated, money could be used to undermine the integrity of political processes and institutions.

In order to support evidence-based political finance reforms, this policy brief draws on the 2018 data of International IDEA’s Political Finance Database and provides a comparative overview of political finance regulations in 16 Central and Eastern European countries—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia and Ukraine.

Similar analysis is also available for Africa, Asia and Latin America.


Publication date
28 December 2019
Number of pages

Related databases & tools


1. Overview of the region

2. Private funding

3. Public funding

4. Spending

5. Reporting, oversight and sanctions

6. Recommendations

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The Integrity of Political Finance Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: Tackling Political Corruption

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