Assessments Worldwide
Over the years, our democracy assessment frameworks have been used in several countries by different actors. There are indeed different potential audiences for the product of a democracy assessment, which has both long- and short-term effects on the assessments, each of which can be linked to developing strategies for reform. This section provides an overview of previous assessments and their main outcomes.
If you have carried out an assessment in your country using one of our frameworks and you are interested in making the assessment report available here, please email us.
Citizen-led democracy assessments and pilots have been concluded in more than 35 countries, and are in progressed planning for several others. Citizens all over the world, from countries as diverse as Bolivia, the Netherlands and Zambia, initiated and supported assessments. They were determined to find out more about their country's status quo and how to improve it. Assessments have been conducted in post-conflict countries and areas of smouldering violence, as well as in those with a long history of peace, and in old and new democracies and countries in transition.
State of Democracy
State of Local Democracy
Democratic Accountability in Service Delivery
New Zealand
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