The questionnaire is a guide to drive, focus and target the collection of structured information for analysis.
Each of the nine guiding questions results from the intersection between a democratic principle and a stage of the policy process.
How [principle] is the [duty bearer] to the [claim holder/s] for the [duty at policy stage]?
Each guiding question is then broken down into four issues. The issues to look for section provides further guidance on the specific aspects an assessor needs to investigate.
Assessors should tailor their questionnaire to the specific problems and accountability relationships they are assessing. Only on the basis of a tailored questionnaire can the assessment team assess the full extent of accountability problems and devise specific recommendations for action aimed at improving these relationships. Everything from language to actors, concepts and so on must be context-sensitive.
Principle | Agenda setting | Policymaking | Implementation |
AnswerabilityThe extent to which a government carries out its duty to explain and justify its decisions to the public. |
How answerable is duty bearer to claim holder for agenda setting duty? | How answerable is duty bearer to claim holder for policymaking duty? | How answerable is duty bearer to claim holder for implementation duty? |
ResponsivenessWhether public officials take opportunities to consult citizens or their representatives before a policy or law is approved, so that the content of such decisions reflects their views, their demands or human rights principles. |
How responsive is duty bearer to claim holder for agenda setting duty? | How responsive is duty bearer to claim holder for policymaking duty? | How responsive is duty bearer to claim holder for implementation duty? |
EnforceabilityConcerns the formal or informal consequences that duty bearers may face and that they should respond to. Such consequences may be formally laid down in rules or informally accepted in practice. |
To what degree the claim holder can impose and enforce consequences on duty bearer for agenda setting duty? | To what degree the claim holder can impose and enforce consequences on duty bearer for policymaking duty? | To what degree the claim holder can impose and enforce consequences on duty bearer for implementation duty? |
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