The Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria (INEC) organized a workshop on 23 June in Abuja, Nigeria, to evaluate the impact of the Electoral Risk Management Tool (ERMTool) developed by International IDEA during the recent general elections.
In the interview series Conversations on Democracy, International IDEA talks with people committed to democracy. Today, Mr Andrew Ellis, Acting Director of International IDEA’s Asia and The Pacific Programme, shares his views and experiences.
Under the memorandum of understanding that International IDEA signed with the High Elections Committee in Egypt (HEC), the Cairo programme organized a meeting between foreign embassies present in Egypt and the HEC. The 11 July meeting was held to explain the management of the upcoming parliamentary elections in the country, in alignment with the committee’s dedication to transparency on the international level.
On 30 June, an expert meeting was held in The Hague on the topic ‘Yemeni Transition from Autocracy: Could it have succeeded?’. The meeting brought together key national stakeholders from various sectors, including the former Rapporteur of the Yemeni Constitution Drafting Committee.
On 30 June, an expert meeting was held in The Hague on the topic ‘Yemeni Transition from Autocracy: Could it have succeeded?’. The meeting brought together key national stakeholders from various sectors, including the former Rapporteur of the Yemeni Constitution Drafting Committee.
In line with its continuing support of knowledge creation and its widespread dissemination among the Bhutanese people through capacity development of key democratic organisations, International IDEA supported the training of three officials who are team of programmers from the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB).
Why does organized crime relate to the work of democracy support in fragile affected contexts? How can organized crime affect post-conflict recovery and reconstruction? In particular, how can it be a challenge to state building?
Why does organized crime relate to the work of democracy support in fragile affected contexts? How can organized crime affect post-conflict recovery and reconstruction? In particular, how can it be a challenge to state building?
In line with its continuing support of knowledge creation and its widespread dissemination among the Bhutanese people through capacity development of key democratic organisations, International IDEA supported the training of three officials who are team of programmers from the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB).
A presidential veto is a constitutional rule that enables a president (or elected head of state who might, in some cases, go by another title) to refuse assent to a bill that has been passed by the legislature, and thereby to stop the bill from becoming law. The grounds on which the veto power may be exercised and the difficulty of overturning the veto vary between jurisdictions.
El próximo 25 de octubre, Argentina celebrará elecciones presidenciales y legislativas de las que saldrá el sucesor de la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) y una reconfiguración del Congreso. Faltan cuatro meses para esta cita en las urnas y durante ese lapso muchas cosas pueden ocurrir.
El próximo 25 de octubre, Argentina celebrará elecciones presidenciales y legislativas de las que saldrá el sucesor de la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) y una reconfiguración del Congreso. Faltan cuatro meses para esta cita en las urnas y durante ese lapso muchas cosas pueden ocurrir.
On October 25, Argentina will hold presidential and legislative elections that will determine the successor to President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and a reconfiguration of the Congress. Four months remain before the vote; during this time many things can happen.
Ahead of the national elections this fall the National Institute for Strategic Studies (NISS) and the UNDP in Kyrgyzstan have launched a project whereby International IDEA’s Electoral Risk Management tool will be utilized to build the capacity of national stakeholders to organize peaceful and credible elections.
In June, International IDEA provided training for staff UNDP and the NISS, a government formed think-tank conducting research for the prime minister’s office.
IDEA Internacional y el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones de Perú, organizan conjuntamente la VII Conferencia Iberoamericana sobre Justicia Electoral: "justicia, integridad y calidad de la democracia", que se realizará entre los días 1 y 4 de julio en Cusco, Perú.
International IDEA and the National Board of Elections of Peru are jointly organizing the Seventh Ibero-American Conference on Electoral Justice: “justice, integrity and quality of democracy”, which will be held between July 1-4 in Cuzco, Peru.
Starting today about 22 commissioners and senior staff from the Malawi Electoral Commission will meet in Lilongwe for a five day BRIDGE workshop focusing on electoral technology and strategic and financial planning.
The workshop is organised by International IDEA partnering with the AU Department of Political Affairs and the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and is an integral part of the AU DPA’s post-election follow-up programme in Malawi.
A significant amount of attention, media articles and opinions in the recent years have been dedicated to two interrelated phenomena in politics. First, there is an increasing tide of citizen-led protests around the world, especially since 2010. From Occupy and `indignados` movements to the anti-government protests in the streets of Istanbul or Ouagadougou, people are increasingly expressing and taking their political interests to the streets.
Starting today about 22 commissioners and senior staff from the Malawi Electoral Commission will meet in Lilongwe for a five day BRIDGE workshop focusing on electoral technology and strategic and financial planning.
The workshop is organised by International IDEA partnering with the AU Department of Political Affairs and the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and is an integral part of the AU DPA’s post-election follow-up programme in Malawi.