Jurists, judges and academics from 12 countries discussed the challenges of social media for electoral justice in the XI Ibero-American Conference on Electoral Justice, held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 28 to 29 November 2019.
The General Debate of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) was held from 24 September to 30 September 2019 and focused on the theme “Galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action, and inclusion.” Member States called for greater regional and international cooperation in tackling current global challenges, such as climate change, sustainable development, terrorism, military occupation, and the need for institutional reform
Túnez se unió a IDEA Internacional como el 33.° estado miembro de la organización. El Consejo de Estados Miembros se reunió en Estocolmo el 2 de diciembre de 2019 para tomar dicha decisión. De esta forma, Túnez es el primer estado miembro de la región del norte de África en unirse al Instituto.
Tunisia joined International IDEA as the 33rd Member State of the organization when the Council of Member States met in Stockholm on 2 December 2019. Tunisia is the first member state from the North African and Arab region to join the Institute.
Aldrig har så många bott i en demokrati som nu, men dess betydelse och nytta är mer ifrågasatta än någonsin
BRYSSEL: Hur mår egentligen världens demokratier? Är demokratin verkligen i fara och vad kan i så fall råda bot på dess åkommor?
El Boletín de Justicia Electoral de IDEA Internacional número 13 presenta datos, resoluciones y jurisprudencia clave, recomendaciones de política pública y referencias bibliográficas fundamentales sobre el estado de la libertad de expresión en el mundo.
International IDEA organized the first of a series of Expert Talks in Stockholm on 14 November 2019, exploring a number of interlinked issues between political finance and corruption. The event provided an opportunity to inspire and influence the global debate on money in politics while engaging with the diplomatic and policy community in Sweden.
Quality of East-Central Europe’s democracies shows signs of decline 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall
BRUSSELS—On 20 November 2019, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) will host a one-day conference aimed at reflecting on and commemorating 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Democracy is under threat and its promise needs revival.
Democracy is under threat and its promise needs revival.
BRUSSELS—How ill is democracy and is it really dying? What are some of the remedies to the current problems? These are some of the questions that the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance’s (International IDEA) newly released flagship report The Global State of Democracy 2019 Report: Addressing the Ills, Reviving the Promise explores.
Más de la mitad de la población mundial vive ahora en democracia pero su valor es más disputado que nunca.
The increased prevalence of political transitions following internal conflict has seen heightened attention given to both transitional justice and constitution-building as fields of study and intervention.
A series of Learning Sessions on constitutional change and federalism was held in the Philippines in 2018 and 2019.
A series of Learning Sessions on constitutional change and federalism was held in the Philippines in 2018 and 2019.
A series of Learning Sessions on constitutional change and federalism was held in the Philippines in 2018 and 2019.
A series of Learning Sessions on constitutional change and federalism was held in the Philippines in 2018 and 2019.
A series of Learning Sessions on constitutional change and federalism was held in the Philippines in 2018 and 2019.
The passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) represents great progress towards realization of the autonomy promised to the Bangsamoro in the 1987 Philippines Constitution (Article 10). That said, the BOL is merely the starting point for realizing BARMM’s right to self-determination; making this right, as well as the autonomy envisioned, meaningful will in large part depend on the tone and form of the relationships between BARMM and the central government of the Philippines.
El 6, 7 y 8 de noviembre de 2019 se llevó a cabo la Tercera Asamblea Plenaria de la Red Mundial de Justicia Electoral (RMJE), en la cual IDEA Internacional, como institución fundadora, tuvo el honor de participar como lo ha hecho en previas ocasiones.