Over the past months, the spread of COVID-19 has led many electoral management bodies (EMBs) in Europe and across the world to postpone elections to a later date. This period has also seen many governments and EMBs consider new or scaling up existing special voting arrangements such as early, postal and mobile voting in order to avoid crowded polling stations on an election day.
Elections and technology are inseparable in today’s world.
The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Political Finance Systems: Insights from Recent Public Funding Reforms
International IDEA Technical Paper 3/2020
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play a critical role in furthering sustainable democratic development in any country. The CSOs have for decades been important partners for International IDEA at global, regional and country levels.
International IDEA stands in solidarity with the Black community, and the many others who have been victims of police brutality and ongoing racial injustice.
IDEA Internacional se solidariza con la comunidad negra y las muchas otras comunidades vulnerables que han sido víctimas de la brutalidad policial y la injusticia racial.
Mongolia’s parliamentary elections look set to take place on 24 June 2020. Known for its long and harsh winters, there’s no better season to hold an election in the Land of the Blue Sky—COVID-19 or not. Despite of the President calling for a postponement in the early stages of the pandemic citing cost-saving motivations, the Parliament and the General Elections Committee (GEC) ventured on.
International IDEA together with our implementing Partner, Dialogue Fiji, held a “Talanoa with the Minister” webinar, on Friday 5 June 2020, under the “Upholding Citizens’ Constitutional Rights for Democratic Consolidation in Fiji” project (C3- Fiji Project) which is part of the activity “Public meetings between citizens and MPs at local level”.
Essential to political participation and representation, successful or not, are the financial resources and structures supporting it. In order to support evidence-based debates on money in politics, International IDEA’s Political Finance Database provides global political finance data that covers 180 countries with 63 questions.
Online voting has never faced a situation as favorable as today. Amid the current COVID-19 pandemic, online voting is increasingly becoming the most logical solution for all types of elections. At the national and local level, the speed of innovation in special voting arrangements is unprecedented.
Honduras se encuentra a medio camino de la aprobación de la reforma electoral, y específicamente de las importantes leyes que regularán los recientemente creados Consejo Nacional Electoral y Tribunal de Justicia Electoral. Al día de hoy, el Congreso Nacional de la República ha avanzado en el proceso de discusión al tiempo que naturalmente se viven retrasos derivados de la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19. Sin embargo, el tiempo apremia.
En el marco de la campaña #Protagonistas: Paridad-Poder-Juventudes, iniciativa de IDEA Internacional y la Coordinadora de la Mujer, con el apoyo de la Embajada de Suecia, se llevaron a cabo cinco encuentros virtuales en los departamentos de La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija y el Beni.
As part of the #Protagonistas: Parity-Power-Youth campaign, an initiative undertaken by International IDEA and the Coordinadora de la Mujer, with backing from the Swedish Embassy, five virtual meetings were held in the autonomous regions of La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija and El Beni.
The country is destined for more political turbulence – whatever line the Constitutional Court takes on the President’s attempt to form a new government.
This Commentary was originally published by BIRN’s English language website Balkan Insight.
La oficina subregional de IDEA Internacional para México y Centroamérica presenta la decimoquinta entrega del Boletín de Justicia Electoral dedicada a las tecnologías y sus usos en el acceso a la justicia electoral.
Pedoman Komunikasi bagi Badan Penyelenggara Pemilu (BPP) Selama Krisis COVID-19
المبادىء التوجيهية للاتصالات المتعلقة بهيئات الإدارة الانتخابية أثناء أزمة كوفيد-١٩ (ترجمة من قبل الهيئة المستقلة للانتخاب الاردنية)
There is a spark of light in the current darkness. The magnitude and multifaceted effects of the coronavirus pandemic have drawn attention to the need for evidence-based policy responses. Even some of the most reluctant political leaders are returning to experts and established knowledge to aid their decision making in this time of crisis. If experts are indeed back in from the cold and this not just a temporary anomaly, this is good news for democracy.
The global spread of COVID-19 has already profoundly impacted the health and welfare of citizens around the world. Decisions being made about how elections are run during the pandemic will have a further profound effect, shaping the health of democracy in the future.
Burundians will go to the polls on 20 May 2020 for presidential, legislative and local elections in spite of the risks posed by the coronavirus.
Pedoman Komunikasi bagi Badan Penyelenggara Pemilu (BPP) Selama Krisis COVID-19
المبادىء التوجيهية للاتصالات المتعلقة بهيئات الإدارة الانتخابية أثناء أزمة كوفيد-١٩ (ترجمة من قبل الهيئة المستقلة للانتخاب الاردنية)