Political parties are fundamental pillars of democracy. In young and post-conflict democracies in particular, they have important tasks of undertaking reforms that promote democracy, development and resolve conflicts in a sustainable manner.
This multi-author report identifies critical factors preventing marginalized women’s inclusion in customary and democratic decision-making structures and describes how women have worked in overcoming barriers to their participation.
Women’s participation is a central element of democracy, and the nature and degree of women’s participation is a key indicator of the quality of democratic culture.
A high-level roundtable convened in 2011 gathered 150 policymakers, practitioners and academics working on various aspects of gender equality and democracy to review the UN’s work at the critical juncture between promoting gender equality and strengthening democracy worldwide.
This report presents the conclusions and recommendations from two round-table discussions on the relationship between democratic governance and the achievement of development outcomes held in 2008 and 2011 and co-organized by International IDEA, UN Development Programme, and UN Department of Political Affairs.
This paper presents the conclusions and recommendations from an international round table on ‘Democracy and Human Rights’ held at the United Nations in New York on 11–12 July 2011 and co-organized by International IDEA, the UN Department of Political Affairs and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The Millennium Declaration affirmed that democracy and democratic governance are essential for the success of the post-2015 development framework. Democracy is a universal value aspired to by people around the world. Democracy is also an enabler of social and economic development, and a political system which can manage conflict peacefully.
Like other democracies, the Philippines still has its challenges, not least in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.
This assessment of democracy at the local level in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao was conducted by the University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) and the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID).
In recent years illicit transnational networks have increased their capacity to threaten the legitimacy of democratic institutions and political processes.
In recent years illicit transnational networks have increased their capacity to threaten the legitimacy of democratic institutions and political processes.
The Organization of American States is a regional organization supporting democracy, peace and security in the American continent. From the late 1990s, it backed the creation of a regional parliamentary association, the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (FIPA), to help strengthen dialogue between national parliaments and foster the integration process.
A revitalized Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has made democracy and the promotion of people-oriented organizations one of its key purposes.
The Preamble of the ASEAN Charter, which came into force in 2008, highlights the centrality of the region’s people in community building and opens with the phrase, ‘We, The Peoples of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’.
This paper discusses the origins and development of the European Citizens Initiative (ECI), which fully entered into force on 1 June 2012.
The paper analyses the significance of the ECI as an example of a transnational participatory democracy mechanism and tries to understand whether the ECI is effectively causing the increased inclusiveness and outreach to citizens that have been anticipated.
Political parties are often forced to focus on short-term crises to the disadvantage of the medium- and long-term development of their strategies.
This guide helps political parties address this issue by focusing on the importance of strategic planning as a means for strengthening their capacity to engage in organizational learning and respond to changing circumstances.
Political parties and organizations need to have the capacity to both compete and cooperate.
Dialogue among political parties usually takes place within democratic institutions such as national parliaments. Yet parliamentary dialogue alone cannot always meet the need for genuine exploration of consensus or compromise. Correspondingly, this Guide focuses on the need for more dynamic spaces of dialogue between political parties.
Después de tres décadas del inicio de las transiciones en América Latina, la democracia en la región se viene consolidando.
Sin embargo, están surgiendo nuevos debates sobre la calidad de la democracia, pues a pesar de los avances, persisten diversos déficits para el ejercicio de los derechos de la ciudadanía, entre los que destaca el de la subrepresentación de las mujeres en los espacios de decisión pública.
This Practical Guide presents International IDEA’s State of Democracy (SOD) assessment Framework. Developed for public use around the world, the SoD Framework has been applied in some 20 countries worldwide since its first launch in 2000.
In the context of a protest movement that started in Tunisia in December 2010 and that spread throughout North Africa and West Asia, close to 200,000 Moroccans took to the streets in 53 cities to demand rapid change in their country.
On 10–12 July 2012 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD), in partnership with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Tanzania Centre for Democracy (TCD), convened a conference on the legal framework governing political parties and party financing.
En el marco de las elecciones generales del año 2006, IDEA Internacional y la Asociación Civil Transparencia realizaron un análisis integral del proceso electoral presidencial y parlamentario publicado bajo el título La igualdad esquiva: una mirada de género a las Elecciones Generales de 2006, estudio que identificó una serie de obstáculos y desventajas que impedían a las mujeres afrontar una campaña en condiciones de equidad con los hombres.
International IDEA has been cooperating with the IEBC on the ERM Tool pilot project since November 2011. The project is funded by the Swedish Government. The Tool will be launched as a global public good in late 2013.
Conducting a free and fair election is one of the most challenging endeavours for a democratic country. This is even more so when there has been substantial political reform, as in Kenya’s case after the contested election in 2007.