As part of the ongoing Legal Review Programme, International IDEA and Nepal Law Society (NLS) convened a national-level consultation on 1 September 2017 in Kathamandu, on the Disaster Management Bill presented in the parliament in May 2015, but is yet to be passed given that Nepal is one of world’s most disaster-prone countries, having on a law on this matter would be critical.
The Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of International IDEA, Dr Daniel Zovatto, participated in the Conference on Electoral Integrity in Latin America, held in Mexico City on 14-15 August 2017. During his Mexico visit, he also facilitated in formalizing the bilateral electoral cooperation between Mexico and Paraguay through the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Supreme Electoral Court of Paraguay and the National Electoral Institute of Mexico.
Resumen: El director regional para América Latina y el Caribe del IDEA Internacional, Dr Daniel Zovatto, participó en la Conferencia sobre Integridad Electoral en América Latina, realizada en Ciudad de México del 14 al 15 de agosto de 2017.
On 2-3 September 2017, the Secretary-General of International IDEA, Yves Leterme, attended a high-level conference entitled “Democracy in Southeast Asia: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, jointly organized by the Kofi Annan Foundation and the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM).
International IDEA in Bolivia is helping youth organizations in the development of platforms that can display advocacy efforts in the drafting of public policies within the framework "Women's Leadership and the Strengthening of Regional Public Governance".
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IDEA Internacional en Bolivia está apoyando a las organizaciones juveniles en el desarrollo de plataformas que pueden mostrar esfuerzos de promoción en la elaboración de políticas públicas dentro del marco "Liderazgo de la Mujer y Fortalecimiento de la Go.
This article is available in English
The regional office of International IDEA for Latin America and the Caribbean held two working meetings in Santiago, Chile in August to present its regional strategy and work plans (at regional, sub-regional and national levels) to the Group of Latin America and the Caribbean Countries (GRULAC) as well as to its Member Countries accredited to the Government of Chile.
La oficina regional de IDEA Internacional para América Latina y el Caribe llevó a cabo en Santiago de Chile, durante el mes de agosto, dos reuniones de trabajo para presentar su estrategia regional y sus planes de trabajo (tanto a nivel regional, sub regional y nacional) ante el grupo de países de América Latina y el Caribe (GRULAC) así como ante sus países miembros acreditados ante el Gobierno de Chile.
For the first time in 20 years, Nepali voters went to the polls to elect their local leaders. Ahead of the third and last phase to be organized on 18 September, here are some fast facts on the Nepal’s local elections of 2017.
1. The local elections forms a key part of Nepal’s transition from a unitary to a federal state.
IDEA Internacional y el Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF), de México, organizan conjuntamente la VI Conferencia iberoamericana sobre justicia electoral: el papel de la justicia electoral como garante de la integridad democrática, que se realizará los días 27, 28 y 29 de agosto de 2014.
The Superior Electoral Tribunal of Paraguay partners with International IDEA to organize workshops to explore the challenges and ways forward to enhance women’s political participation and promote their citizenship rights in the country.
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IDEA Internacional apoya al Tribunal Superior de Justicia Electoral del Paraguay para la organización de talleres que buscan analizar los retos y alternativas para fortalecer la participación política de las mujeres y promover el ejercicio de sus derechos ciudadanos en el país.
Nepal is in the process of implementing constitutional provisions to transition from an unitary to federal system.
International IDEA in Haiti joins hands with local associations to stage theatre performances all over the country with an objective to promote the values of democracy among youth in Haiti.
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IDEA Internacional en Haití colabora con asociaciones locales para escenificar actuaciones teatrales en todo el país con el objetivo de promover los valores de la democracia entre los jóvenes en Haití.
This article is available in English.
El Dr Daniel Zovatto, Director Regional de IDEA Internacional para América Latina y el Caribe organizó una reunión de trabajo con el Embajador del Perú en Chile, Excmo. Sr Jorge Valdez, y con el Miembro del Consejo Asesor de IDEA Internacional, Ingeniero Sergio Bitar, previa a la presentación de IDEA Internacional ante sus Estados Miembros acreditados en Chile.
Dr Daniel Zovatto, Regional Director of International IDEA Latin America and Caribbean region hosted a working meeting with the Ambassador of Peru Hon. Mr Jorge Valdez and Mr Sergio Bitar, member of the Advisory Board of International IDEA, ahead of the presentation of International IDEA to its Member States accredited to Chile.
Governance in states that combine different levels of government is often more complex than in other types of state and, at the same time, it offers a greater possibility of democratic exercise in decision making. How to express this relationship between State complexity and greater democracy in the adoption of public policies in order to guarantee the protection of citizens' rights?
La gestión pública en Estados que combinan diversos niveles de gobierno suele ser más compleja que en otros tipos de Estado y, al mismo tiempo, tiene mayor posibilidad de ejercicio democrático en la toma de decisiones ¿Cómo se expresa esta relación entre complejidad estatal y mayor democracia en la adopción de políticas públicas garantes de la protección de derechos ciudadanos?
Africa’s natural resources provide a unique opportunity to foster human and economic development. However, abundant endowments of natural resources do not necessarily lead to equivalent levels of prosperity, broad-based development and resource-based industrialization. One key obstacle preventing African countries from realizing this potential is poor governance.