Au cours des dix dernières années, les nouvelles technologies sont devenues prépondérantes dans l’organisation des élections dans le monde. De nombreux pays se sont tournés vers différentes solutions technologiques afin d’accroître l’efficacité et la rentabilité de leurs élections mais aussi de renforcer la confiance des parties prenantes à chaque étape du cycle électoral.
La X Conferencia Iberoamericana sobre justicia Electoral tuvo lugar en la Ciudad de Panamá, los días 6 al 8 de agosto de 2018 con el tema principal de “Las redes sociales: retos y desafíos para la justicia electoral.” El encuentro fue auspiciado por el Tribunal Electoral de Panamá en colaboración con IDEA Internacional.
The X Ibero-American Conference on Electoral Justice took place in Panama City, from 6-8 August 2018, with the theme "Social networks: threats and challenges for electoral justice." The conference was organized by the Electoral Tribunal of Panama in collaboration with International IDEA.
On 17 August 2018, International IDEA Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Leena Rikkila Tamang and Antonio Spinelli, Head of Mission for Nepal met with Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon Pradeed Kumar Gyawali in Kathmandu. Discussion covered Nepal’s current political context, and touched upon the journey Nepal has travelled toward consolidation of its democratic system since the signing of the Peace Agreement in 2006.
We at International IDEA are deeply saddened at the unexpected passing of Kofi Annan (1938 – 2018) in the early hours of today Saturday 18 August 2018 in Geneva. We express our sincere condolences to his family.
On 22 July 2018, International IDEA convened a panel at the International Political Science Association World Congress in Brisbane, Australia, entitled “The Global State of Democracy: Crisis or Trendless Fluctuation”. International IDEA invited leading scholars to discuss the global state of democracy and to evaluate whether extant measures of democracy are helpful tools to reveal the trends.
Qué le dicen los escándalos sobre los cuadernos de la corrupción y los aportes truchos a Cambiemos sobre el financiamiento político ? "Que es como el tango 'Yira, yira'". ¿Por qué?, se le pregunta.
“What do the scandals concerning the notebooks of corruption and the fake contributions to the Cambiemos political coalition tell you about political financing?” “That it is like the tango ‘Yira, yira.’” “And why is that?” he is asked.
The use of referendums in processes of constitutional formation and change has increased considerably across the world in recent decades.
Electoral system design plays a crucial role in political settlement processes.
However, it is a world with which political actors in transitions—and even to some extent the constitutional community itself—often have limited familiarity.
This Discussion Paper is based on a presentation by the author at the fourth Edinburgh Dialogue on post-conflict constitution-building, held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, on 4–5 December 2017.
El Presidente de la República, Martín Vizcarra, anunció que el Ejecutivo iniciará los procedimientos necesarios para someter a consulta popular la aprobación de una serie de reformas entre las que se incluyen: la prohibición de la reelección de congresistas, la creación de un Senado y mejoras a la regulación del financiamiento privado de campañas electorales.
The President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, has announced that the Executive Branch will start with the necessary procedures for people to decide on the approval of a series of reforms, among which the prohibition concerning the re-election of members of Congress, the creation of a Senate and improvements to the regulation on the private financing of electoral campaigns.
From Spain to Tanzania to Ukraine, the idea of secession is a critical issue for constitutional design, and has been since the first modern constitution was adopted in the United States in 1789.
Territorial divisions come in many forms. They occur in both federal and unitary states, and may involve divisions based on religion, language, history and identity, as well as natural resources.
One of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. While progress has already been made in fields such as education and equal pay, women and girls remain underrepresented in political decision-making roles.
International IDEA has been supporting a democratic approach to consultative, collaborative and inclusive community building in Bhutan through funding of various activities of its partner civil society organizations. On 4 July 2018, International IDEA’s support saw over 90 town committee members come together in the collaborative visioning of the future of Paro town, which is home to the country’s only international airport.
The final front page of The Cambodian Daily read “Descent into Outright Dictatorship”, before ending 24 years and 15 days of independent journalism in the country and being forcibly shut down over state-imposed legal threats over a disputed USD 6.3 million bill in back taxes. This final headline was perhaps symptomatic of the repressive actions of the Hun Sen-led government in Cambodia as it increased its authoritarian grip on the country.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this commentary are those of the staff member. This commentary is independent of specific national or political interests. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the institutional position of International IDEA, its Board of Advisers or its Council of Member States.
Declaración: Las opiniones expresadas en este comentario son las del miembro del personal. Este comentario es independiente de intereses nacionales o políticos específicos. Las opiniones expresadas no representan necesariamente la posición institucional de International IDEA, su Consejo de Asesores o su Consejo de los Estados Miembros.
International IDEA Haiti’s office organized a training day on 4 July 2018 for consultants from various political parties represented in parliament to draft their strategic plan.
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