Gender Quotas Database
Voluntary Political Party Quotas
Please note that only countries where political parties have voluntary gender quotas are listed.
Country | Party | Acronym | Official Name | Details, Quota provisions |
Algeria | National Liberation Front | FLN | Front de Libération Nationale |
In each province, 2 out of the first 5 names on a list must be women in each of the 48 provinces. |
Andorra | Liberal Party of Andorra | L'A | Liberals d'Andorra |
The party shall ensure gender parity and the democratic functioning of its organs, through periodicity in the renewal and limitation of mandates (Article 1(f) of the Party Statutes) |
Angola | National Union for the Total Independence of Angola | UNITA | União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola |
Article 13.3 3. Having verified the other requirements in the lists of candidates for the organs and bodies of the Party, a positive discrimination of representation of the female gender must be observed up to 50% and a representation of youth of not less than 30%. |
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola | MPLA | Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola |
Article 109 (Representation of gender)In the lists of candidates for the representative bodies of the MPLA, a gender composition of not less than 40% must be observed. |
Argentina | Justicialist Party | PJ | Partido Justicialista |
The national statutes state that at all levels within the party, as well as on electoral lists, the representation of women must be respected. This is specified in the provincial party statutes, percentages varying between 30 and 50 percent. |
Armenia | Shamiram Women's Party | SWP | - |
An all women's party. 5 parties passed the 5 percent barrier to the National Assembly in the elections 1995. Shamiram was one of the five, with 20 percent and 8 seats. The party was not represented in 1999 and 2003. |
Union for National Self-Determination | UNSD | Sotsial Demokratalkan Hnrchakyan Kusakutyun |
UNSD has a 20 percent quota. In 1995 UNSD passed the barrier to the National Assembly, and was represented by 7,5 percent, i.e. 3 members. The party was not represented in the parliament 1999 and 2003. |
Australia | Australian Labor Party | ALP | - |
In 2002 the ALP introduced a 40 per cent quota for party positions, union delegations and for pre-selection for public office and positions at a State and federal level, building on a 35 per cent quota introduced in 1994. Either of the sexes shall be represented by no less than 40 per cent on party electoral lists. (National Platform and Constitution 2009, Article 10a.) The ALP has adopted a 50 per cent gender diversity target for government boards to be achieved within the first term of a Labor government and 40 per cent for women's representation in Chair and Deputy Chair positions on government boards by 2025 (National Platform 2018) |
The Greens NSW | Greens NSW | The Greens NSW |
In all the activities and appointments of The Greens NSW, attempts shall be made to ensure that there is at least 50 percent representation by women and by members from outside metropolitan Sydney and representation by minority and disadvantaged groups (Article 1(4) of the Greens NSW Constitution, 2018) |
Austria | Austrian People's party | ÖVP | Österreichische Volkspartei |
ÖVP has a 33.3 per cent quota for women on party lists (1995). |
Social Democratic Party of Austria | SPÖ | Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs |
SPÖ has a 40 per cent quota for women on party lists (1985). |
The Greens-Green Alternative | GA | Die Grünen-Die Grünen Alternativen |
GA has a 50 per cent quota for women on party lists (1993). |
Benin | Republican Bloc | BR | Bloc Républicain |
Offices of the bodies of the party must be composed, as much as possible, of 30% youth and 30% women members (Article 51 of the Party Statute). |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Social Democratic Party | SDP BiH | Socijaldemokratske partije Bosne i Hercegovine |
The party has a 30 percent quota (2001). |
Botswana | Botswana Congress Party | BCP | - |
In 1999 the Botswana Congress Party introduced a 30 percent quota for women on electoral lists. The party has not always met this target. However, in the 2010 national congress elections the party managed to reach the 30 percent target. |
Botswana National Front | BNF | - |
In 1999 the Botswana National Front introduced a 30 percent quota for women on electoral lists. The party has not always met this target. |
Brazil | Workers' Party | PT | Partido dos Trabalhadores |
Party directors, delegations and positions with specific function of secretariats shall having gender parity (50% women and 50% men). (Article 22 (IV)) |
Burkina Faso | Alliance for Democracy and Federation | ADF | Alliance pour la d?mocratie et la f?deration |
In 2002 the Alliance for Democracy and Federation introduced a 25 percent quota for women on electoral lists. The quota will be implemented in the next election. |
Congress for Democracy and Progress | CDP | Congr?s pour la D?mocratie et le Progr?s |
In 2002 the Congress for Democracy and Progress introduced a 25 percent quota for women on electoral lists. The quota will be implemented in the next election. |
Cameroon | Social Democratic Front | SDF | Front Social Démocrate |
SDF has adopted a 25 percent quota. |
Canada | New Democratic Party | NDP | - |
In 1985 the NDP adopted a target of 50 percent women among its candidates at federal elections. It has also adopted (and is enforcing) a policy whereby, in each federal riding, at least one woman must be in the running at the nomination stage. |
Chile | Christian Democratic Party | PDC | Partido Demócrata Cristiano |
According to article 105 of the party statutes, PDC has a 20 percent quota for women on electoral lists. This provision was adopted in 1996 but has been weakly enforced (Ríos Tobar, et al. 2008, p. 18, 24). |
Party for Democracy | PPD | Partido por la Democracia |
Neither men nor women should be represented on electoral lists by more than 60 percent (Party statutes, article 7). However, this provision has been weakly enforced (Ríos Tobar, et al. 2008, p. 18, 24). |
Socialist Party of Chile | PS | Partido Socialista de Chile |
Since 2003, the quota has been twofold: Neither of the sexes shall be represented on electoral lists by more than 60 percent; neither sex shall occupy more than 70 percent of the seats in parliament (Party statutes, Article 40). However, this provision has not been adhered to in practice (Ríos Tobar, et al. 2008, p. 18, 24). |
Costa Rica | Christian-Social Unity Party | PUSC | Partido Unidad Socialcristiana |
PUSC alternates men and women candidates on electoral lists (Article 65, party statutes; Jager Contreras 2008, p 15-19). In the integration of all party structures, no more than 60% of its members shall be of the same gender, except for the District Assemblies and the Womens Front. (Article 10, Partido Unidad Social Cristiania Estatuto). The configuration of all candidate lists to elected office shall be held in such a way that no more than 60% of the members are of the same gender. (Article 61, Partido Unidad Social Cristiania Estatuto). |
National Liberation Party | PLN | Partido Liberación Nacional |
PLN alternates men and women candidates on electoral lists (Article 85 and 108, party statutes; Jager Contreras 2008, p 15-19).Nominations to be defined by provincial election in National Plenary Assembly, is to respect the representation of at least 40% for each gender. (Article 85, Partido Liberacion Nacional Estatuto). |
Côte d'Ivoire | Ivorian Popular Front | FPI | Front Populaire Ivoirien |
Since 2001 the Ivorian Public Front has a 30 percent quota for women at all levels of its structures, including electoral candidate lists. The quota has not always been put into practice. (FPI statutes, article 14, June 2009.) |
Croatia | Social Democratic Party | SDP | Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske |
In 1996 SDP introduced a voluntary party quota of 40 percent. In 2000 the party adopted a formal 40% quota for men and women on electoral lists, but no rank-order rules. |
Cyprus | Democratic Party | DIKO | Dimokratikó Kómma |
Art. 10.2 Composition: The Central Committee consists of (...) c) Out of 120 elected members, of which at least 20% are women |
Democratic Rally of Cyprus | DISY | Dimokratikos Synagermos |
DISY has a 30 per cent (30%) gender quota in its candidates for the parliament, municipal and European elections, as well as for the party's internal structures. |
Movement of Social Democrats | EDEK | Kinima Sosialdimokraton |
EDEK has a 30% quota for women. |
Czechia | Social Democrats | ČSSD | Česká strana sociálně demokratická |
25% of those elected by the party must be women. If a local party organization has failed to nominate 25% women among its top candidates, then the Social Democratic Women's Organization has the right to nominate extra women. |
El Salvador | National Liberation Front Farabundo Mart | FMLN | Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional |
FMLN has a 35 percent quota for women (party statutes of 1996, article 9). |
Equatorial Guinea | - | - | - | - |
France | Socialist Party | PS | Parti Socialiste |
The PS has a 50 percent quota for electoral lists (1990). |
Germany | Alliance 90/The Greens | - | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen |
Since 1986, Alliance 90/The Greens have had a 50 percent quota for women on party lists (Geissel 2008, p. 61). |
Christian Democratic Union | CDU | Christlich-Demokratische Union |
At least one-third of CDU electoral lists and party officials should be women (1996). If this quota is not met, the internal elections have to be repeated (Party Statutes, Article 15 [2-3]; Geissel 2008, p. 62). |
Christian Social Union in Bavaria | [CSU] | Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern |
Equal participation of women and men within the organs of CSU is recognized. Women and men should each hold 50% of the offices. Elections for the inner party and district board according to §§ 22 (P.1 [1-4]) and 26 (P.1 [1-4]) are then valid if half of the elected are women; if the total number is odd the difference between women and men must not be greater than one. Additionally, listing of applicants for public elections must ensure balanced participation of men and women. (Party Statutes, Article 8 [1-3]) |
Social Democratic Party of Germany | SPD | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands |
At least 40 % of each gender in boards and lists (Party Statutes, Article 11 [2], Electoral Code of the Party, Article 4 & 8 [2]). |
The Left Party | - | Die Linkspartei |
On nomination lists, the first two and then every other place are reserved for women (Party Statutes, Article 10 [5]). |
Greece | European Realistic Disobedience Front | [ΜέΡΑ25] | Μétopo Evropaikís Realistikís Anypakoís |
Conscripts participate with full rights in the Deliberative Congress (DiaSyn), the Central Committee (KE), the Political Secretariat (PG), as well as the Ethics, Mediation and Compliance Committee (EDD&TK). All draws are conducted, in full respect of these Statutes, by the Digital Data Manager of DiEM25's Coordinating Committee, who has access to the data of MeRA25 members and in a manner that fully satisfies the principle of equal probability of a draw (between members entitled to be drawn), the principle of drawing the same number of women and men (except in cases where an increased number of women is required in accordance with Chapter 6.3), as well as the protection of personal data. (Party Statutes) |
Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement | PASOK | Panellenio Sosialistiko Kimena |
PASOK has a 40 percent minimum quota for women on party lists (Socialist International Women). |
Guatemala | Guatemalan Revolutionary Unity | URNG | Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca |
At least 30 percent of each sex should be represented on electoral lists (2002; López Robles 2008, p. 14). |
National Unity for Hope Party | UNE | Unidad Nacional de Esperanza |
UNE has a 40 percent quota for women on electoral lists since 2007 (López Robles 2008, p. 15). |
Seed Movement (Semilla) | - | Movimiento Semilla |
Candidate lists for election positions and internal party positions may not have more than 60% of people of the same gender (Article 153). |
Honduras | Christian Democratic Party of Honduras | PDCH | Partido Democrata Cristiano de Honduras |
"To achieve the effective participation of the Christian Democrat woman, an obligation is established parity basis applicable to Party leadership positions. This provision is also applicable for the selection of candidates for popularly elected positions at the levels of Proprietary and Alternate Deputies to the National Congress and the Central American Parliament, Mayors, Vice Mayors and Regidores. In the application of this provision, the alternation mechanism of women and men, in a 50% ratio for each, in the integration of the formulas and lists of candidates at all levels electives" (Article 165). |
Democratic Unification Party | PUD | Partido Unificación Democrática |
"For the integration of the lists to positions of party leadership, the internal movements will incorporate at least 50% of the candidacies of women." (Article 105). |
Liberty and Refoundation | LIBRE | Libertad y Refundación |
"It is established that the participation of women will not be less than 50% in management responsibilities and nomination of popularly elected positions" (Article 76). |
National Party of Honduras | PNH | Partido Nacional de Honduras |
"Candidates lists must comply with the basis of 50% participation of women in party leadership positions" (Article 45[12]). |
Hungary | Hungarian Socialist Party | MSzP | Magyar Szocialista Párt |
MSzP has a 20 percent quota for women (Ványi, 2016; Fodor, 2013). |
Politics Can be Different | LMP | Lehet Mas a Politika |
In the party's National Assembly and European Parliament electoral lists maximum two repeated candidates of the same sex may follow each other. |
Iceland | Independence Party | - | Sjálfstæðisflokksins |
"Gender equality is one of the core values of the Independence Party.When elected to boards and appointed to confidential positions of party institutions, whether in committees, councils or boards, equal proportions of the sexes shall always be observed" (Article 2). |
Progressive Party (Centre Party) | - | Framsóknarflokkur |
When choosing candidates to all levels of the internal party structures and for electoral lists, each sex must be represented with at least 40 percent, unless for obvious and manifest impediments.(Party statutes 2005, article 13:8.) |
The Left-Green Movement | VG | Vinstrihreyfingin-grænt framboð |
When candidates are chosen for positions at all levels in the party structure, as well as for electoral lists, gender equality shall be observed. (Party Statutes 1999, article 3.) |
The Social Democratic Alliance | S | Samfylkingin |
At electoral lists, the main rule is to strive towards gender equality. In all elected bodies within the party, each sex should be represented with no less than 40 percent. If, among the candidates, one sex is represented by less than 40 percent, these candidates will be nominated without a vote. (Party statutes 1999, article 2:10.) |
Ireland | Fianna Fail | FF | Fianna Fail |
Increasing female representation, ensuring more women are present at key decision makingprocesses. Implementation to a 30% gender quota system for local elections candidates for political parties |
Fianna Fail: the Republican Party | - | - |
In 2005 Fianna Fail adopted a 30 percent gender quota for internal party positions, with the target of selecting 1/3 female candidates for the next local elections (about 2008). |
Fine Gael | - | - |
The party had a 33 percent target for women in local elections in the mid 1990's. |
Green Party | - | Comhaontas Glas |
The party has a 40/60 gender balance among election candidates (1992). In order to qualify for 50 percent of the party funding within the Green Party, a 40/60 gender balance among election candidates must be attained. |
Labour Party | - | - |
The Labour party previously had a 25 percent quota for women on party lists. In 2007 the party adopted a 30 percent quota for women regarding internal Party positions, for example to the National Executive Council which is the highest Party body. Party members have passed a motion to have 50 percent women candidates in the 2013 Local Elections. Labour has the highest percentage of women Members of the Parliament in Ireland (35 percent). |
Sinn Fein | - | - |
Sinn Fein has an internal party quota of 40 percent for women. |
The Workers Party | WP | - |
WP has a 40 percent quota for women on party lists (1991). The party is not represented in parliament. |
Israel | Israel Labor Party | ILP | Ha'avoda |
At least 20% of the party list must be filled with women, 2 out of each 10 names. The (minimal) reserved places on the party’s candidates list are: 5, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 (and also 34, 36, 39, 42, 45). |
Likud | - | - |
The (minimal) reserved places for women on the party’s list of candidates are: 10, 20, 24, 29, and 34. |
Italy | Article One | - | Articolo Uno |
The Assemblies and bodies at different levels, recognizing gender equality as a constitutive element of ARTICLE ONE, will have to ensure that the presence of one gender over the other in the lists for the election of executives and for those of electoral competitions at all levels and in compliance with the principles referred to in Article 51 of the Constitution is equal. To ensure this relationship at all times, when voting on lists at all levels, the elected representatives will be appointed through the "scrolling" mechanism, i.e. if the outcome of the voting on the lists does not respect the percentage of 50% one gender, we will proceed with the substitution of the last of the elect of the over-represented gender with the first of the non-elect of the other gender. (Party Statutes, Article 24) |
Democratic Party | PD | Partito Democratico |
PD has a 50 percent quota for women, placed with strict alternation on electoral lists. (Party statutes 2008, article 19) |
Forza Italiana | - | - |
Without prejudice to the provisions of the law, in no list of candidates presented by Forza Italia on the occasion of electoral competitions, one of the two genders can be represented in a proportion lower than a third (Party Statute, Article 9). |
Italian Left | - | Sinistra Italiana |
In the governing bodies at different levels, in compliance with the principles set out in article 51 of the Constitution and this statute, it must be ensured that the presence of one sex over the other is not less than 40%. In order to always guarantee this relationship, internal elections at all levels will proceed, through the mechanism of "scrolling the list", until the necessary rebalancing is achieved (Party Statutes, Chapter 3, Article 1 and 6). |
League | - | Lega |
Lega per Salvini Premier promotes gender equality in the collegiate bodies and in the elected offices established by the Statute, providing that in the candidatures none of the two sexes is represented by more than two thirds (Party Statute, Article 7). |
More Europe | - | Più Europa |
In the final composition of each collegiate statutory body (Assembly, Presidency of the Assembly, Secretariat, Regional Directorates and foreign electoral divisions, Boards of guarantee and Auditors and elective component of the Directorate) temporary or special created by the Bodies, the presence must be ensured of a percentage of each genre not less than 40% (Party Statutes, Article 8(3)). |
Japan | Constitutional Democratic Party | CDP | 立憲民主党 |
"We will set specific goals and implement them so that the ratio of women will exceed at least 30% as soon as possible by 2030.” Constitutional Democratic Party Policy |
Democratic Party for the People | DPP | 国民民主党 |
"Female candidate ratio 35%." Democratic Party for the People |
Japanese Communist Party | JCP | 日本共産党 |
"We are aiming for a 50% ratio of female candidates, based on the (Act on Promotion of Gender Equality in the Political Field.)" JCP 28th Party Congress (January 2020) |
Liberal Democratic Party | LDP | 自由民主党 |
"We will strengthen our efforts with the goal of increasing the percentage of our party’s female parliamentarians in national politics from the current 11% to 30% over the next 10 years." (A 10-Year Plan for Achieving a 30% Female Ratio - LDP) |
Social Democratic Party | SDP | 社会民主党 |
"Based on the party's activity plan, we have set a target of 50% female candidates in national elections." (Social Democratic Party) |
Kenya | Democratic Party | DP | Democratic Party |
The Democratic Party has a policy of affirmative action that reserves one third of all seats for women (which has not always been put into practice). |
Jubilee Party | JP | Jubilee Party |
In constituting party organs, no one gender shall comprise more than two thirds (2/3) of the membership (Article 28(2) of the Party Constitution). |
Orange Democratic Movement | ODM | Orange Democratic Movement |
In the Endeavour to reach the objective of full representation ofwomen in all decision -making structures the Party shall implement aprogramme of affirmative action, including the provision of a quota ofnot less than one-third (1/3) in all organs, appointments, committees,nominations to enable such effective participation. (Article 12.0.1 of the Party Constitution) |
Korea, Republic of | Basic Income Party | - | 기본소득당 |
In order to ensure equal rights of Party members and to realize actual gender equality, 50% of the constituencies for each elected unit in all elected office positions shall be allocated as constituencies in the women's list. (Article 7 of the Party Constitution)At least 1/2 of the candidates for proportional representative National Assembly members shall be women. (Article 33 of the Party Constitution) |
People Power Party [formerly known as United Future Party] | - | 국민의힘 |
1. 50% of the elected representatives and electoral colleges of various voting institutions should be women.2. When recommending candidates for various elections (regional districts), 30% should be women.3. 30% women and 20% or more young people when organizing major watch positions and various committees. (Article 6 (6) of the Party Constitution) |
Transition Korea | - | 시대전환 |
[The] party is responsible for gender generation in the composition of major party posts and committees at each level of the central party and city / provincial parties , all elected party posts , and the recommendation of candidates for constituency elections for public office elections (except for the recommendation of candidates for the election of local governments). Efforts are being made to achieve a balance between genders and generations. (Article 7 (2) of the Party Constitution). |
Liberia | Congress for Democratic Change | CDC | - |
The National Executive Committee of the Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) has unanimously adopted in 2022, a resolution requiring 40 percent political participation for women throughout its leadership structures and parliamentary seats in pending general elections. |
Lithuania | Social Democratic Party | LSDP | Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija |
Art. 58. The number of representatives of one sex in all elected party bodies and lists of candidates participating in elections may not exceed 60 per cent. After the ranking of candidates in the electoral roll, the commission nominates the candidates alternately: woman, man, starting with the candidate or candidate in the first place, every fifth place can be filled by a woman or a man. The Commission ensures that every ten has a representative of young people (under 35). When it is no longer possible to nominate candidates alternately, the remaining candidates or candidates shall be nominated in descending order of votes. Compliance with these requirements is monitored by departmental and party ethics and procedures commissions, as appropriate. If, after the vote of the body forming the elected body or the electoral list, it is not possible to form the elected body or the electoral list from the nominated candidates (LSDP Statues). |
Luxembourg | Christian Social People's Party | CSV | Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei |
The party is targeting a 40percent quota for women on their party lists. |
The Green Party | - | Déi Gréng/Les Verts |
The party seeks to apply parity in party bodies, positions and on lists. |
The Left | - | Déi Lénk |
The party applies a 50 percent quota in the party body and on the electoral lists. |
Malawi | Malawi Congress Party | MCP | - |
The MCP aims to allocate 33 percent of the seats to women at all levels of the party structure. Additionaly, according to the party Manifesto, MCP will 'ensure that women occupy 30 per cent or more of all decision, policy and managerial positions in the government' (MCP Manifesto of 2004, article 6.6a). |
United Democratic Front | UDF | - |
The UDF aims to have 25 percent of its parliamentary seats held by women, according to the party constitution. |
Malaysia | Democratic Action Party | DAP | Parti Tindakan Demokratik |
The party congress reserves 30% of the total quota for female members contesting in the elections (Art. 16 under Clause VIII). |
People's Justice Party | PKR | Parti Keadilan Rakyat |
The statutes regulate that 30 per cent of leadership positions have to be held by women. |
Mali | Alliance for Democracy in Mali | ADEMA - PASJ | Alliance pour la Démocratie au Mali/Parti Africain pour la Solidarité et la Justice |
ADEMA - PASJ has a 30 percent quota. (Gerapetritis, G. 2015. Affirmative Action Policies and Judicial Review Worldwide, page189) |
Malta | Labour Party | MLP | Partit Laburista |
The Party must take every measure to reach the goal of having 40 percent of each sex (40%) representation in the General Conference in accordance with the regulations on elections (Ch. 4. Art. 9 Labor Party Statutes). |
Mauritius | Mauritian Militant Movement | MMM | Mouvement Militant Mauricien |
"The MMM, in view of its principles and its historic fight for equality, undertakes to achieve gender parity as soon as possible. As a transitional measure the MMM will strive to achieve the threshold of one-third of female representation in its bodies as soon as the party will gradually increase to 40% in 2020, then to 45% in 2025, and to 50% in 2030." (Article 3 (1) of the Party Constitution) |
Moldova, Republic of | Christian Democratic Party of Moldova | PPCD | Partidul Popular Creştin Democrat |
In 2004, prior to the parliamentary elections the Christian Democratic Party revised a 'Resolution on the Promotion of Women in Politics' including a zipper system, altering a man or a woman on top of the list. The zipper system was meant to be applied throughout the whole list but did only reach number 20 out of 103 on the lists. |
Mozambique | Front for the Liberation of Mozambique | FRELIMO | Frente de Libertação de Moçambique |
FRELIMO has used gender quotas since 1994. The party's policy requires that 40% of candidates to national assembly and local government should be women. In addition, the quota system was accompanied by a commitment to balance the distribution of men and women through the list. Currently, FRELIMO holds 191 seats of a total of 250 in the national assembly, in effect a three-fourths majority. |
Mozambican National Resistance | RENAMO | Resistência Nacional Moçambicana |
a) The National Council is composedby 120 members elected by Congress.Two) In the process of electing membersof the National Council, the principle is observedrepresentation of provinces and gender.(Article 28 (2) of the Party Statutes) |
Namibia | South West Africa People's Organisation | SWAPO | - |
SWAPO has a 50 percent quota with a zebra-system (alternation between men and women) for women on electoral lists for local elections. |
Netherlands | Green Left | GL | GroenLinks |
GL has quotas for women (percentage not confirmed). |
Labour Party | PvdA | Partij van de Arbeid |
National lists are in principle alternated between men and women, although other concerns such as age and ethnicity are also considered. Congress has the last say on the composition of lists (1987). |
New Zealand | Labour | - | - |
The Moderating Committee must, in determining the list, ensure that for any percentage of the Party Vote likely to be obtained, and taking into account the electorate MPs likely to be elected with that level of Labour support, the resultant Caucus will comprise at least 50% women (Party constitution, article 8.47) |
The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand | - | - |
The Green Party adopted a 50/50 % quota in 2015; “In Government, it will ensure half of all Green Cabinet Ministers are women” |
North Macedonia, Republic of | Alliance for Albanians | AA | Aleanca për Shqiptarët |
'Albanian Alliance is committed to emancipation and full gender equality, and therefore in all party bodies for female decision-making is represented by at least 40%.' (Article 15, Party Statute). |
Social Democratic Union of Macedonia | SDSM | Socijaldemokratski Sojuz na Makedonija |
SDSM has a 30 percent quota for both genders. |
Norway | Centre Party | SP | Senterpartiet |
There is a 40 percent quota for either sex in all elections and nominations, since 1989 (Laws of the Centre Party, §4:4). |
Christian People's Party | KrF | Kristelig Folkeparti |
KrF has had a 40 percent quota for both sexes since 1993 (Freidenvall, et. al. 2006, p. 71). |
Norwegian Labour Party | DNA | Det Norske Arbeiderparti |
In all election lists there is a 50 percent quota for both sexes, and both sexes shall be represented in the first two positions (Party Constitution, §12:9). Quotas first used in 1983 (Matland 2005). |
Socialist Left Party | SV | Sosialistisk Venstreparti |
Since 1975, SV has had a 40 percent quota for both sexes on electoral lists (Freidenvall, et. al. 2006, p. 71). |
Paraguay | Authentic Radical Liberal Party | PLRA | Partido Liberal Radical Auténtico |
The PLRA statute contemplates a female quota of 50%. The lists for all positions, both national, departmental, local and partisan, will be integrated with the same number (50% women and 50% men), located alternately, alternately and consecutively (one by one), from the first or the first incumbent to the last or the last substitute (decided unanimously by the PLRA party 13 of March 2022). |
National Republic Association | ANR | Asociación Nacional Republicana/Partido Colorado |
ANR has a 30 percent quota for women on electoral lists (Party statues 2001, Article 72; Pereira & González 2008, p. 4-5). |
Philippines | Citizens' Action Party | Akbayan | Akbayan Citizen's Action Party |
Instituted a quota to ensure that at least 30% of its leadership positions are occupied by women (Article II, sec.6. a.) |
Gabriela Women's Party | - | - |
An all Women's party, representing 250 women's organisations. The party got 4.2 percent of the votes in the 2016 national elections. |
Poland | The Greens | PZ | Partia Zieloni |
All elected bodies of the Green Party are made up of an even number of members and female members. Men may not constitute more than 50% of the composition of the governing bodies, unless the statute provides otherwise. Lists of candidates and candidates of the Party in elections to the Sejm, the European Parliament and in local elections, held according to the proportional system, are filled alternately with persons of different sex until all representatives of one sex are exhausted. Men receive no more than 50% of the first places on electoral lists (Art. 15, PZ Statutes). |
Portugal | Party for People, Animals and Nature | PAN | Partido Pessoas-Animais-Natureza |
On the lists for the National, Permanent, District and Conce-the minimum representation gender parity criterion is 40% of each of the sexes, rounded where necessary to the nearest unit (Party Statutes, Article 26 (4a)). |
Socialist Party | PS | Partido Socialista |
In order to promote effective equality between men and women in political participation, party bodies, as well as the multi-member candidacies lists for and proposed by them, must ensure:a) A representation of not less than 40% of militants of either sex, and each sequence of three elements contains at least one of a different sex, b) That the first and second places are obligatorily occupied by militants of a different sex (Art. 15.14, PS Statutes). |
Romania | Social Democratic Party | PSD | Partidul Social Democrat |
In 2001 PSDR (Romanian Social Democratic Party) and PDSR (Socialist Democratic Party of Romania) merged into a new political party; PSD. Prior to the 2004 election PSD adopted a 30 percent gender quota. |
Slovakia | Progressive Slovakia | PS | Progresívne Slovensko |
In April of 2022, the party’s presidency of Progressive Slovakia has decided that women will be guaranteed a 40% representation in vice-presidential positions and at the level of members of the presidency – just like men. |
Slovenia | Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia | DeSUS | Demokratične Stranke Upokojencev Slovenije |
The candidate bodies of the party are obliged to take into account, in addition to other criteria, the appropriate representation of candidates of both sexes (Article 53 of the Party Statute). |
Slovenian National Party | SNS | Slovenske Nacionalne Stranke |
The composition of the membership by gender and by constituency shall be duly taken into account when running for office. There must be at least as many candidates (hereinafter referred to as candidates) on the list of candidates for each individual body. (Article 19 of the Party Statute) |
Social Democrats | SD | Socialni Demokrati |
In 1992 the United List of Social Democrats introduced a firm 33 percent quota for both genders. In the 1996 election 42 percent of the party's candidates were women, but not even one of these got elected. The quota was changed from firm to soft in 1997, and the party has currently a 40 percent target. (In 2005 the party shortened it's name to Socialni Demokrati). |
Somalia | Qaransoor Party | - | Xisbiga Qaransoor |
[Women] shall have a quota of 35% of the staff and functionaries of the party and thecouncils (Article 42(4) of the Party Statute). |
South Africa | African National Congress | ANC | - |
In 2006 ANC adopted a 50% gender quota in local elections. The quota was extended to national elections as well in 2009. The party statute reads: 'the provision of a quota of not less than fifty percent of women in all elected structures' (ANC Constitution, Article 6 [1]). Currently, ANC has won 264 seats in the national assembly, little less than two-thirds majority. |
Spain | Canarian Coalition | CC | Coalición Canaria |
A 40 percent quota for either sex was approved by CC in 2000. (Party statutes, 2008, article 4:18.) |
Nationalist Galician Block | BNG | Bloque Nacionalista Galego |
Quotas were approved by BNG in 2002 (40 percent quota for either sex). |
Republican Left of Catalonia | ERC | Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya |
ERC has a 40 percent quota for either sex (2004). |
Socialist Party of Catalonia | PSC | Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya |
PSC has a 40 percent quota for either sex (2000). The quota was first introduced in 1982 (12 percent) and enlarged in 1987 (15 percent), 1990 (25 percent) and 1996 (30 percent). |
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party | PSOE | Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol |
Since 1997, PSOE has a 40 percent quota for either sex (party statutes, 2009, article 7k). The party first introduced a quota rule, at 25 percent, in 1988. |
United Left | IU | Izquierda Unida |
Since 1997, IU has a 40 percent quota for either sex (party statutes 2008, article 7). The quota was first introduced in 1989, at 25 percent. |
Sweden | Green Party | MP | Miljöpartiet de Gröna |
Party quota: A 50 % gender quota on party lists, plus or minus one person (1997). First party quota rule introduced in 1987.Internal quotas since 1981. |
Left Party | V | Vänsterpartiet |
Party quotas: A 50% minimum quota for women on party lists (1993). First party quota rule introduced in 1987. Internal quotas since 1978. |
Moderate Party | M | Moderaterna |
Party quotas: Two women and two men shall be placed on the top four positions on the party list for the election to the European Parliament in 2009. |
Social Democratic Party | S | Socialdemokraterna |
Party quotas: Zipper system (one sex alternates the other on party lists) (1993). Internal quotas since 1978 |
Switzerland | Social Democratic Party of Switzerland | SPS/PSS | Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz |
The party has a 40 percent quota for women on party lists. |
Swiss Party of Labour | PdA | Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz |
When filling all bodies of the PdAS with 5 or more members, it must be ensured that no gender may occupy more than 60% of the respective body (PdA Statutes, art. 3.e).). |
The Centre Party | - | Die Mitte |
No gender can lay claim to more than two thirds (2/3) of all mandates (Article 14 (3) of the Party Statute).Each gender is in each delegation with at least three people and represented by a maximum of two-thirds of all its members (Article 24 (5) of the Party Statute). |
Tanzania, United Republic of | Revolutionary Party | CCM | Chama cha Mapinduzi |
Section 204 of the 2010 CCM Manifesto set out to attain 50-percent women representation in all elective bodies by 2015(CCM Manifesto 2005:127). |
Thailand | Democrat Party | DP | Pak Prachatipat |
The Democrat Party has a target of 30 percent women candidates for election |
Turkey | Good Party | [İYİ] | İYİ Parti |
In the Central Disciplinary Board and the Provincial Disciplinary Board Member elections, at least twenty-five percent gender quota shall be applied, including original and substitute memberships. |
Green Left Party | [YSP] | Yeşil Sol Parti |
Quotas are applied to women in the headquarters and local organization decision and executive bodies. If there are not enough female candidates, the quota must be applied as at least 40%. (Party statutes, Article 62). |
People´s Democracy Party | HDP | Halklarin Demokratik Partisi |
The People's Democracy Party (HDP) has a gender quota of 50%. "We’re nominating woman candidates from the first spots for each and every local assembly elections across Turkey. We’re enacting the 'zipper system'. As a result, HDP has nominated 39 woman co-chairs for the 39 provinces of Istanbul and a total of 333 women to run for local assemblies." (HDP Official Website). |
Republican People's Party | [CHP] | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi |
Article 56(1) of the party statutes states, "Thirty -three percent (33%) gender quota shall be applied in the candidacy of the deputy, provincial council and municipal council to be determined through the central polls, in the election of the party councils, in the election of the provincial and district board, and in the elections of the provincial congress delegates and congress delegates." |
Workers' Party of Turkey | [TİP] | Türkiye İşçi Partisi |
While aiming for equal representation in all organs of the party, a 40% quota of women is applied in all boards (party council and provincial and district boards of directors). This is at least 50% women quotas for MDK (Central Disciplinary Board) and provincial disciplinary boards. (Party Statutes, Article 4.6). |
Uganda | National Resistance Movement | NRM | - |
When the National Resistance Movement party is electing leadership of the organs, "40% of the positions shall be reserved for women except in cases where it is impracticable to do so" (ch. 5, article 42.1). (NRM constitution) |
United Kingdom | Labour Party | - | - |
The Labour Party's commitment is that 50% of all winnable parliamentary seats will select from All Women Shortlists. |
Liberal Democrats | - | - |
Article 2.5: "Whenever this Constitution provides for the election by party members to a Federal Committee, not less than 40% or, if 40% is not a whole number, the whole number nearest to but not exceeding 40% of those elected shall selfidentify as men or non-binary people, and self-identify as women or non-binary people respectively" (The Federal Constitution of the Liberal Democrats, 2018). |
Uruguay | Socialist Party of Uruguay | PS | Partido Socialista del Uruguay |
In the 1980's PS adopted a quota for women. The quota is dependent upon the percentage of women members of the Party in each jurisdiction. (Statutes 2003, Art. 65) |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front | ZANU-PF | - |
ZANU-PF is committed to ensure that at least one-third of all candidates are female. However, this quota has not been systematically applied. |
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