Gender Quotas Database

Western Asia
Single / Lower House
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (T.B.M.M) / Grand National Assembly of Turkey
Total seats | 599 |
Total women | 119 |
Percentage of women | 20% |
Gender Quota target | |
Election year | 2023 |
Electoral system | List PR |
Quota type | |
Election details | IDEA Voter Turnout - IPU Parline |
Voluntary Political Party Quotas*
Party | Official Name | Details, Quota provisions |
Good Party | İYİ Parti ( [İYİ]) |
In the Central Disciplinary Board and the Provincial Disciplinary Board Member elections, at least twenty-five percent gender quota shall be applied, including original and substitute memberships. |
Green Left Party | Yeşil Sol Parti ([YSP]) |
Quotas are applied to women in the headquarters and local organization decision and executive bodies. If there are not enough female candidates, the quota must be applied as at least 40%. (Party statutes, Article 62). |
People´s Democracy Party | Halklarin Demokratik Partisi (HDP) |
The People's Democracy Party (HDP) has a gender quota of 50%. "We’re nominating woman candidates from the first spots for each and every local assembly elections across Turkey. We’re enacting the 'zipper system'. As a result, HDP has nominated 39 woman co-chairs for the 39 provinces of Istanbul and a total of 333 women to run for local assemblies." (HDP Official Website). |
Republican People's Party | Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi ( [CHP]) |
Article 56(1) of the party statutes states, "Thirty -three percent (33%) gender quota shall be applied in the candidacy of the deputy, provincial council and municipal council to be determined through the central polls, in the election of the party councils, in the election of the provincial and district board, and in the elections of the provincial congress delegates and congress delegates." |
Workers' Party of Turkey | Türkiye İşçi Partisi ( [TİP]) |
While aiming for equal representation in all organs of the party, a 40% quota of women is applied in all boards (party council and provincial and district boards of directors). This is at least 50% women quotas for MDK (Central Disciplinary Board) and provincial disciplinary boards. (Party Statutes, Article 4.6). |
* Only political parties represented in parliament are included. When a country has legislated quotas in place, only political parties that have voluntary quotas that exceed the percentage/number of the national quota legislation are presented in this table.
Additional information
In 1999 the Republican People’s Party (CHP) adopted a twenty five percent (25%) quota for its candidate list and its internal structures, with the exception of the party’s highest decision making organ called “Party Central Executive Committee”. In March 2012, CHP increased the quota to thirty three percent (33%) and also applied the quota to its candidate lists for the national and the sub-national elections. However, these voluntary candidate quotas concern only 15% of the total number of candidates on the candidate list which are chosen by the party’s central committee and not the entire lists. The rest 85% of candidates on the list is filled through primary elections held in districts.
Legal Sources:
Other Sources:
- National Assembly - Link
- Electoral Council - Link
- Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU Parline Turkey
- HDP Official Website, "Our Labor, Our Bodies, Our Identities and Our Will is Ours!", Accessed 3 October 2018
- Tajali, M. 2015. "The promise of gender parity: Turkey’s People’s Democratic Party (HDP)", Published 29 October 2015, Accessed 3 October 2018.
Additional reading
- See the latest updates on Türkiye on iKNOW Politics
- Bektas, E., & Issever-Ekinci, E. (2019). Who Represents Women in Turkey? An Analysis of Gender Difference in Private Bill Sponsorship in the 2011–15 Turkish Parliament. Politics & Gender, 15(4), 851-881. doi:10.1017/S1743923X18000363
- Yildirim, K. & Kocapinar, G. (2019) Untangling the gender gap: nomination and representativeness in Turkish local elections, Turkish Studies, 20:2, 222-248, DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2018.1553621
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