Women’s presence in politics is vital for shaping policy outcomes in the economic, social and cultural spheres. Despite progress over the past two decades, women remain under-represented in political leadership in Africa.
Effective governance of mineral resources is vital to Africa’s sustainable development, with the potential to transform resource wealth into broad-based economic growth. With the right governance frameworks, the continent’s vast mineral endowments can benefit local communities, national economies and global markets. However, many African countries face ongoing challenges related to governance, transparency and the equitable distribution of resource revenues.
A resource tool that demonstrates the status of women's political participation in Africa.
Natural resources feature prominently in many political and economic settlement processes after conflict. When these processes include constitutional reform, it may be expected that mechanisms for natural resource governance would be included in the new constitutional framework, but often this is not the case.
Female politicians and young women aspiring to join politics from 47 counties have received a five-day training from the 5th Women in Political Participation (WPP) Academy on how to enhance their political leadership skills, promote inclusivity in political participation and inspire young women to join politics.