Women’s presence in politics is vital for shaping policy outcomes in the economic, social and cultural spheres. Despite progress over the past two decades, women remain under-represented in political leadership in Africa. This publication examines the factors motivating women’s participation and representation in politics on the continent, providing insights to enhance gender equality and empower women politically. Through interviews, it becomes clear that global and regional efforts for gender equality are key factors motivating women’s political participation. Women's movements and civil society groups have played a significant role in advocating for increased inclusion. However, social norms and practices often still hinder women from meaningful participation in decision making.

The report suggests that African governments should expedite the implementation of international and regional frameworks to enhance women’s political participation. Strengthening women’s capacity to engage in politics, improving access to finance and addressing violence against women in politics are essential measures to promote their representation.


Publication date
30 December 2024
Annie Barbara Chikwanha, Theresa Moyo
Number of pages
978-91-7671-871-1 (PDF)
978-91-7671-872-8 (Print)



Executive summary


1. International frameworks on women’s participation and representation in politics

2. Regional frameworks on women’s participation and representation in politics

3. Political systems, electoral systems and affirmative action

4. Factors motivating women to participate in politics and barriers encountered

5. Advocates who promote increasing women’s political participation and representation

6. Case studies

7. Highlights of the discussion on the motivators of women’s participation and representation in politics

8. Conclusions and recommendations


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The Motivation for Women in Politics

The Contemporary Politics of Women’s Participation and Representation in Africa
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