Gender Quotas Database

Eastern Europe
Single / Lower House
Verkhovna Rada / Parliament
Total seats | 403 |
Total women | 85 |
Percentage of women | 21% |
Gender Quota target | 40% |
Election year | 2019 |
Electoral system | Parallel |
Quota type | Legislated Candidate Quotas |
Election details | IDEA Voter Turnout - IPU Parline |
Legal source | Details | |
Quota type: Legislated Candidate Quotas | Electoral law |
During the formation of national and regional electoral lists, the party must ensure the presence of men and women (at least two candidates of each gender) in each top five (places from the first to the fifth, from the sixth to the tenth, and so on) of each electoral list . In the event that the party forms national and regional election lists with a number of candidates for deputies that is not a multiple of five, the last candidates on the list (from 1 to 4) are subject to the requirement to alternately include candidates of different genders in the list. (Article 154-12 of the Election Code of Ukraine) |
Is the provision of direct public funding to political parties related to gender equality among candidates? | Yes |
Article 17-5. Procedures for allocation and distribution of funding of statutory activities of political parties between parties The funds allocated from the State Budget for funding of statutory activities of political parties shall be distributed between the eligible parties by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention as follows: 1) 10 per cent of the total annual amount of funding of the statutory activities of political parties provided for by Article 17-2 of this Law shall be equally divided between those political parties, which are eligible to such funding in accordance with this Law and, based on the results of the most recent regular or early parliamentary elections, ensured that the number of representatives of one sex among the elected Members of Parliament who assumed their offices does not exceed two-thirds of the total number of the Members of Parliament who were elected from that party;
(Law of Ukraine on Political Parties in Ukraine) See more in International IDEA's Political Finance database |
Are there provisions for other financial advantages to encourage gender equality in political parties? | No | See more in International IDEA's Political Finance database |
Quota at the Sub-National Level
Quota type | Legislated Candidate Quotas |
Gender Quota target | 30% |
Legal source | Details | |
Quota type: Legislated Candidate Quotas | Electoral law |
The size of the quotas, which determines the minimum level of representation of women and men in the electoral list of candidates for People's Deputies of Ukraine from the party in the state-wide district, candidates for deputies of local councils in multi-mandate electoral districts and must be at least 30 percent of the total number of candidates in the electoral list. (Article 8-10 of the Political Parties Law) |
Voluntary Political Party Quotas*
Party | Official Name | Details, Quota provisions |
No data available. |
* Only political parties represented in parliament are included. When a country has legislated quotas in place, only political parties that have voluntary quotas that exceed the percentage/number of the national quota legislation are presented in this table.
Additional information
"The Local Election Law (of 2015) introduced a gender quota, whereby representation of either sex on the candidate list under the proportional system must be no less than 30%. However, the legal framework failed to provide any sanctions for failure to comply with the quota requirement. On September 23, 2015, the CEC announced that failure to adhere to the gender quota does not constitute grounds for rejection of the party list by the TEC in charge of candidate registration. Although the CEC resolution was challenged in court, the court upheld the CEC decision. In the end, while some political parties did ensure that women made up 30% their party list candidates, most ignored the gender quota provision. According to the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, women, on average, received 18% of seats on city councils of the regional centers and 15% of seats on oblast councils in the local elections." (IFES: 2015: 4)
Parliamentary elections in Ukraine should be on October 29, 2023. However, according to the provisions of Ukrainian legislation, it is prohibited to hold parliamentary or presidential elections during martial law.
Additional reading
- Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, 2021, 'Council of Europe Head of Office in Ukraine: quotas have improved the situation of women's political representation in Ukraine', Link
- See the latest updates on Ukraine on iKNOW Politics
- Ukrainian Women Congress, 2020, Ukrainian local elections: Do gender quotas work?, Ukrainian Women Congress
- Sokolova, H. 2020, Open Democracy, How Ukraine’s gender quotas work in practice
Explore more resources: Europe | Global
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