Gender Quotas Database
Europe General Resources
- Antić, M.G and Lokar, S. 2006. ‘The Balkans: from total rejection to gradual acceptance of gender quotas’, in Dahlerup, D. (ed.) Women, Quotas and Politics, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 138-167.
- Freidenvall, L. et al. 2006. “The Nordic Countries: An incremental model”, in Dahlerup, D. (ed.) Women, Quotas and Politics, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 55-82.
- Krook, M.L. et al 2006. ’Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand: Gender Quotas in the Context of Citizenship Models’, in Dahlerup, D. (ed.) Women, Quotas and Politics, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 194-221.
- Dahlerup, D. and Freidenvall, L. 2005. ‘Quotas as a Fast Track to Equal Representation for Women’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 7, 1: 1–22.
- Lovenduski, J. 2005. ‘Introduction: state feminism and the political
representation of women’, in Lovenduski, J. et al (eds) State Feminism and Political Representation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-19. - Lovenduski, J. 2005. Feminizing Politics, Cambridge UK: Polity Press.
- Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS) 2004. Online. Available at:
- Dahlerup, D. 2004. ‘Continuity and Waves in the Feminist Movement – A Challenge to Social Movement Theory’, in H. Römer Christensen, B. Halsaa and A. Saarinen (eds) Crossing Borders: Remapping Women’s Movements at the Turn of the 21st Century, Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, pp. 59–78.
- Gender Network at European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity, 2004. Online. Available at:
- Htun, M. 2004. ‘Is Gender Like Ethnicity? The Political Representation of Identity Groups’, Perspectives on Politics, 2, 3: 439–58.
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2004. ‘Human Development Report 2004’.
- Znanstveno raziskovalni center pri SAZU, 2004.
- Dahlerup, D. and Freidenvall, L. ‘Quotas as a ‘Fast Track’ to Equal Political Representation for Women: Why Scandinavia is No Longer the Model’, paper presented at the 19th International Political Science Association World Congress, Durban, South Africa, June–July 2003.
- Glaurdić, J. 2003. ‘Croatia’s Leap towards Political Equality: Rules and Players’, in R. Matland and K. Montgomery (eds) Women’s Access to Power in Post Communist Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 285–303.
- Matland, R. and Montgomery K. (eds) 2003Women’s Access to Power in Post Communist Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ristova, K. 2003. ‘Establishing a Machocracy: Women and Elections in Macedonia (1990–8)’, in R. Matland and K. Montgomery (eds) Women’s Access to Power inPost Communist Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 196–216.
- Sgier, L. ‘Political Representation and Gender Quotas’, paper presented at the European Consortium of Politics Research, Joint Sessions of Workshops, Edinburgh, March–April 2003.
- Taarup, N.A. 2003. ‘International Implementation of Electoral Gender Quotas in the Balkans: A Fact-Finding Report’, The Research Program on Gender Quotas. Working Paper Series 2003: 1. Stockholm University: Department of Political Science.
- Lijphart, A. 2002. ‘The Evolution of Consociational Theory and Consociational Practices 1965–2000’, Acta Politica, 37: 11–22.
- Lokar, S. 2002. ‘Introduction’, in Women Can Do It II, Integration of gender equality issues in parliamentary parties work in South East Europe, Project Report, Novi sad: Stability Pact Gender Task Force, pp. 5–11.
- Mastnak, T. 1992. Vzhodno od raja, Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije. Jalušič, V. (ed.) (2002) Kako smo hodile v feministično gimnazijo, Ljubljana: Založba/*cf.
- McDonagh, E. 2002. ‘Political Citizenship and Democratization: The Gender Paradox’, American Political Science Review, 96, 3: 535–52.
- Royo, S. 2002. A New Century of Corporatism?: Corporatism in Southern Europe, Westport: Praeger.
- Schopflin, G. 2002. Nations, Identity, Power, London: Hurst.
- Giraud, I. and Jenson, J. 2001. ‘Constitutionalising Equal Access: High Hopes, Dashed Hopes?’, in J. Klausen and C.S. Maier (eds) Has Liberalism Failed Women? Assuring Equal Representation in Europe and the United States, New York: Palgrave, pp. 69–88.
- Gomard, K. and Krogstad, A. (eds) 2001. Instead of the Ideal Debate. Doing Politics
and Doing Gender in Nordic Political Campaign Discourse, Gylling: Aarhus University
Press. - Jalušič, V. and Antić, M.G. 2001. Women – Politics – Equal Opportunities: Prospects for Gender Equality Politics in Central and Eastern Europe, Ljubljana: Peace Institute.
- Jogan, M. 2001. Seksizem v vsakdanjem življenju, Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede.
- Kaiser, P. 2001. Strategic Predictors of Women’s Parliamentary Participation: A Comparative Study of Twenty-Three Democracies, PhD dissertation, Los Angeles: University of California.
- Klausen, J. and Maier, C.S. (eds) 2001. Has Liberalism Failed Women? Assuring Equal Representation in Europe and the United States, New York: Palgrave.
- Skjeie, H. 2001. ‘Quotas, Parity and the Discursive Dangers of Difference’ in C.S. Maier and J. Klausen (eds) Has Liberalism Failed Women? Assuring Equal Representation in Europe and in the United States, New York: Palgrave, pp. 165–76.
- Woodward, A. 2001. ‘Women are Doing It’ – building a Gender Balanced Democracy using Sticks, Carrots and Kisses’, in M.A. Rukavina (ed.) Building national gender equality mechanisms in South East Europe: Women’s use of the state: 1999–2001, Ljubljana: Stability Pact Gender Task Force, pp. 42–6.
- Antić, M.G. 2000. ‘Ne-srečno razmerje: strankarska politika in ženske v državah vzhodne srednje Evrope’, Družboslovne razprave, 34–5: 127–40.
- Blagojević, M. (ed.) 2000. Mapiranje misoginije u Srbiji, diskurzi i prakse, Beograd: ANžIN – Asociacija za žensku iniciativu.
- Dojčinović-Nešić, B. 2000. ‘Feminizam: Predrasude, stereotipi i negativni stavovi’, in M. Blagojević (ed.) Mapiranje misoginije u Srbiji, diskurzi i prakse, Beograd: ANžIN – Asociacija za žensku iniciativu, pp. 619–32.
- Einhorn, Barbara. 2000. ‘Gender and Citizenship in the Context of Democratisation and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe.’ Shirin M. Rai (ed). International Perspectives on Gender and Democratisation. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 103-124.
- Freedman, J. 2000. A Room at a Time: How Women Entered Party Politics, New York:
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Countries, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. - Gaber, S. 1999. ‘Reprezentativnost kot problem sodobnih demokracij’, in M.G. Antić and J. Jeram (eds) ženske, politika, demokracija: za večjo prisotnost žensk v politiki, Ljubljana: Urad za žensko politiko, pp. 85–100.
- Inhetveen, K. 1999. ‘Can Gender Equality be Institutionalised? The Role of Launching Values in Institutional Innovation’, International Sociology, 14, 4: 403–42.
- Ramet, P.S. (ed.) 1999. Gender Politics in the western Balkans: Women, Society andPolitics in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
- Vode, A. 1999. Značaj in usoda, Ljubljana: Krtina.
- Antić, M.G. 1998. ženske v parlamentu, Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
- Dahlerup, D. 1998b. ‘Using Quotas to Increase Women’s Political Representation’, in A. Karam (ed.) Women in Parliament. Beyond Numbers, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 91–106.
- Matland, R. 1998. ‘Enhancing Women’s Political Participation: Legislative Recruitment and Electoral Systems’, in A. Karam (ed.) Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, Stockholm: International IDEA, pp. 65–88.
- Rueschmeyer, Marilyn (ed.). 1998. Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, Inc.
- Vode, A. 1998. Spol in upor, Ljubljana: Krtina.
- Rizman, R. 1997. Izzivi odprte družbe, Ljubljana: Liberalna akdemija.
- Ule, M. and Rener, T. 1997. ‘Nationalism and Gender in Postsocialist Societies: is Nationalism Female?’, in T. Renne (ed.) Ana’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, Oxford: Westview Press, pp. 220–33.
- Sainsbury, D. 1996. Gender, Equality and Welfare States, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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- Bergqvist, C. 1995. ‘The Declining corporatist state and the political gender dimension’, in L. Karvonen and P. Selle (eds) Women in Nordic Politics: Closing the Gap, Aldershot: Dartmouth, pp. 205–28.
- Phillips, A. 1995. The Politics of Presence: The Political Representation of Gender, Ethnicity and Race, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Waylen, Georgina. 1994. ‘Women and Democratization: Conceptualizing Gender Relations in Transition Politics.’ World Politics 46, no.3. pp. 327-354.
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- Lovenduski, J. 1993. ‘Introduction: the Dynamics of Gender and Party’, in J. Lovenduski and P. Norris (eds) Gender and Party Politics, London: Sage, pp. 1–15.
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