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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Reports spotlight Croatia’s migrant pushbacks

A Human Rights Watch report revealed that the Croatian police are systematically and forcefully pushing refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants of different origins back to Bosnia and Herzegovina, disregarding their asylum claims and protection needs. According to the report, the practice includes mistreatment of vulnerable groups and violation of human rights norms as border police are involved in theft and destruction of personal belongings and are subjecting individuals to humiliating and racist treatment. Balkan Insight has also reported on the matter, citing local NGOs and experts who question the legality of these procedures under European law. Croatian authorities argue that these actions are governed by a bilateral agreement and should be classified as returns rather than expulsions.

Sources: Human Rights Watch, Balkan Insight

Primary categories and factors
Rights -1 Rights  (-1)
Civil Liberties
Freedom of Movement
Political Equality
Social Group Equality
Rule of Law 0 Rule of Law  (0)
Personal Integrity and Security

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