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Asia and the Pacific
Western Asia

Democracy Tracker

The Democracy Tracker provides event-centric, monthly information on democracy and human rights developments in 173 countries. Event reports describe a change to the status-quo of the state of democracy at the country level. They include a description of the event, indications of the specific aspects of democracy that have been impacted, the magnitude of the impact, links to original sources and keywords to enable further research. Click on the country hexagons below to read the most recent developments, or hover over to the country profiles menu at the top to access the full data and analysis of a specific country.

Positive and Negative Events in November 2024

Armenia Arrow Armenia
Bangladesh Arrow Bangladesh
Brazil Arrow Brazil
Burundi Arrow Burundi
Colombia Arrow Colombia
France Arrow France
Indonesia Arrow Indonesia
Mexico Arrow Mexico
Montenegro Arrow Montenegro
Namibia Arrow Namibia
New Zealand Arrow New Zealand
Norway Arrow Norway
Sri Lanka Arrow Sri Lanka
Thailand Arrow Thailand
Australia Arrow Australia
Ecuador Arrow Ecuador
Georgia Arrow Georgia
Guinea-Bissau Arrow Guinea-Bissau
Israel Arrow Israel
Kenya Arrow Kenya
Liberia Arrow Liberia
Lithuania Arrow Lithuania
Mauritius Arrow Mauritius
Mozambique Arrow Mozambique
Myanmar Arrow Myanmar
Paraguay Arrow Paraguay
Qatar Arrow Qatar
Romania Arrow Romania
Russian Federation Arrow Russian Federation
Tunisia Arrow Tunisia
Venezuela Arrow Venezuela
Vietnam Arrow Vietnam

*Assessments are relative to each country and do not represent comparisons or rankings between countries.

May 2022


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Rule of Law

Critical Events in November 2024

Asia and the Pacific • Australia

On 28 November, Australia’s parliament approved the world’s first law banning social media for children aged 16 and under. The ban will take effect in a year, with a trial for enforcement methods starting in January. The Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Act 2024 seeks to protect young people from the harmful impacts of social media. The government plans to use age-verification technology to implement the restrictions, with tech companies fined up to AUD 50 million (USD 33 million) if they don’t prevent children from holding accounts. Australia’s communications minister Michelle Rowland indicated the ban would likely include Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and X. The law was rushed through parliament with limited opportunity for debate and public consultation. Critics and digital rights experts have questioned the provisions for enforcement, as well as raised privacy, freedom of speech and social connection concerns for young people. It remains to be seen how the ban will be implemented and in consequence its impact on freedom of expression.

Europe • Romania

On 6 December, the Constitutional Court annulled the first round of the presidential election, held on 24 November, in an unprecedented decision, citing “multiple irregularities,” including violations of campaign finance regulations and lack of equal opportunities for candidates.  On 2 December, the Constitutional Court confirmed the results of the election following a recount in view of legal challenges brought by Presidential candidate Cristian Vasile Terheș. However, the Court then reversed the decision, announcing the annulment amid ongoing voting in the run-off in the diaspora, and following statements by the Supreme Council for National Defense (CSAT) that cited evidence of cyberattacks and Russian efforts to influence Romanian social cohesion. CSAT also criticized TikTok for promoting campaign content without proper labelling, violating electoral law. On 29 November, the European Commission ordered TikTok to report on its management of information manipulation risks under the EU’s Digital Services Act. As a next step, the government will establish a timeline for a new presidential election, expected in spring 2025. 

Americas • Brazil

On 21 November, Brazil's Federal Police formally accused former President Jair Bolsonaro and over 30 supporters of attempting a coup to prevent President Lula da Silva from taking office after the 2022 elections, among several other crimes. The charges, based on a two-year investigation, allege Bolsonaro, along with ministers, aides, and military personnel, formed a criminal organization to keep him in power after his defeat. The police report, submitted to Brazil’s Supreme Court, now awaits a decision from Prosecutor General Paulo Gonet on whether to proceed with prosecution. Earlier that week, the Federal Police arrested four military personnel and a police officer accused of plotting to assassinate President Lula da Silva, Vice President Geraldo Alckmin, and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes. Additionally, a Bolsonaro supporter detonated at least two bombs near the STF on 13 November in what police believe was a politically motivated attack targeting de Moraes. Former President Bolsonaro denies all charges.

Africa • Mozambique

During November, the number of people killed in Mozambique’s post-election violence rose to 76, as clashes between protesters and the security forces worsened. The protests began in October, following the country’s disputed general election, and have been characterised by strikes, street demonstrations, roadblocks and public pot-banging, as well as looting and attacks on property and the police. The police, supported by the military, which was deployed at the beginning of the month, used highly repressive measures against the protesters, most notably shooting them with live ammunition. By 1 December at least 240 people had been struck by bullets, including several children who were shot dead during a pot-banging protest. Authorities also continued to suspend mobile internet services. While the demonstrations have been focused on the capital, Maputo, and the provinces of Nampula and Zambezia, they have taken place across the country.

About the Global State of Democracy Initiative

International IDEA launched the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Initiative in 2016. This Initiative provides evidence-based and balanced analysis and data on the state and quality of democracy globally and for 173 countries across all regions of the world. It aims to contribute to the public debate on democracy and inform policy interventions to strengthen democracy.

Monthly Event Reports

See all the information related to countries that have updates this month.


Arrow LBY
Arrow TUN
Arrow BDI
Arrow GNB
Arrow GAB
Arrow MUS
Arrow MOZ
Arrow NAM
Arrow ZAF
Arrow SEN
Arrow LBR
Arrow KEN
without report
Arrow MDG
without report
Arrow ZWE
without report
Arrow DZA
without report
Arrow AGO
without report
Arrow BEN
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Arrow BWA
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Arrow BFA
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Arrow CMR
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Arrow CAF
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Arrow TCD
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Arrow COM
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Arrow CIV
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Arrow CPV
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Arrow COD
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Arrow DJI
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Arrow EGY
without report
Arrow GNQ
without report
Arrow ERI
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Arrow ETH
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Arrow GMB
without report
Arrow SWZ
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Arrow GHA
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Arrow GIN
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Arrow LSO
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Arrow MWI
without report
Arrow MLI
without report
Arrow MRT
without report
Arrow MAR
without report
Arrow NER
without report
Arrow NGA
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Arrow COG
without report
Arrow RWA
without report
Arrow SLE
without report
Arrow SOM
without report
Arrow SSD
without report
Arrow SDN
without report
Arrow TZA
without report
Arrow TGO
without report
Arrow UGA
without report
Arrow ZMB
View all


Arrow ECU
Arrow VEN
Arrow BOL
Arrow USA
Arrow NIC
Arrow MEX
Arrow COL
Arrow PRY
Arrow CHL
Arrow BRA
without report
Arrow CAN
without report
Arrow HTI
without report
Arrow ARG
without report
Arrow BRB
without report
Arrow CRI
without report
Arrow CUB
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Arrow DOM
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Arrow SLV
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Arrow GTM
without report
Arrow GUY
without report
Arrow HND
without report
Arrow JAM
without report
Arrow PAN
without report
Arrow PER
without report
Arrow SUR
without report
Arrow TTO
without report
Arrow URY
View all

Asia and the Pacific

Arrow TWN
Arrow NZL
Arrow AUS
Arrow IND
Arrow BGD
Arrow LKA
Arrow PAK
Arrow VNM
Arrow IDN
Arrow MMR
Arrow THA
without report
Arrow MYS
without report
Arrow TLS
without report
Arrow AFG
without report
Arrow JPN
without report
Arrow BTN
without report
Arrow KHM
without report
Arrow CHN
without report
Arrow PRK
without report
Arrow FJI
without report
Arrow KAZ
without report
Arrow KGZ
without report
Arrow LAO
without report
Arrow MDV
without report
Arrow MNG
without report
Arrow NPL
without report
Arrow PNG
without report
Arrow PHL
without report
Arrow KOR
without report
Arrow SGP
without report
Arrow SLB
without report
Arrow TJK
without report
Arrow TKM
without report
Arrow UZB
without report
Arrow VUT
View all


Arrow ARM
Arrow RUS
Arrow SRB
Arrow MNE
Arrow ROU
Arrow EST
Arrow NOR
Arrow FRA
Arrow ISL
Arrow IRL
Arrow LTU
Arrow GEO
without report
Arrow ESP
without report
Arrow UKR
without report
Arrow HUN
without report
Arrow GBR
without report
Arrow KSV
without report
Arrow TUR
without report
Arrow CHE
without report
Arrow SVK
without report
Arrow ALB
without report
Arrow AUT
without report
Arrow AZE
without report
Arrow BLR
without report
Arrow BEL
without report
Arrow BIH
without report
Arrow BGR
without report
Arrow HRV
without report
Arrow CYP
without report
Arrow CZE
without report
Arrow DNK
without report
Arrow FIN
without report
Arrow DEU
without report
Arrow GRC
without report
Arrow ITA
without report
Arrow LVA
without report
Arrow LUX
without report
Arrow MLT
without report
Arrow MDA
without report
Arrow NLD
without report
Arrow MKD
without report
Arrow POL
without report
Arrow PRT
without report
Arrow SVN
without report
Arrow SWE
View all

Western Asia

Arrow QAT
Arrow LBN
Arrow ISR
without report
Arrow IRQ
without report
Arrow BHR
without report
Arrow IRN
without report
Arrow JOR
without report
Arrow KWT
without report
Arrow OMN
without report
Arrow PSE
without report
Arrow SAU
without report
Arrow SYR
without report
Arrow ARE
without report
Arrow YEM
View all
May 2022


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Funders and Donors

The European Union Federal Ministry for Economic Coorperation and Development Robert Bosch Stiftung
The Global State of Democracy Initiative is also supported by contributions of International IDEA Member States