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Fiscal decentralization and local governments – Interview with Roger Shotton

What is fiscal decentralization? How do local governance structures and legal frameworks play a role in exercising fiscal decentralization and delivering public services catered to the needs of people? What is the role of transparency and accountability in the functioning of a local government?

As post-coup Myanmar is moving towards a federal democratic country under the road map outlined in the Federal Democracy Charter, these are key questions that Myanmar’s interim government institutions on all levels and constitutional designers need to consider.
Marcus Brand, International IDEA’s Head of Mission in Myanmar, interviews Roger Shotton, an expert on decentralization and subnational government issues in Asia, highlighting fiscal decentralization and local governance in the context of constitutional design, state structures of Myanmar and comparative experiences from other countries in the Asia and the Pacific region.

Interested in learning more? 

View the full Building Federal Democracy in Myanmar playlist on International IDEA's YouTube channel.

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