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Electoral Processes

Global Election Monitor (GEM)

Kevin Gill (Nashua, NH, United States)

The Global Election Monitor (GEM) aims to provide a continuous qualitative overview of democratic national elections and any related electoral integrity challenges. Election stakeholders increasingly navigate changing information environments, eroding levels of trust in government institutions, as well as traditional challenges and hurdles related to electoral administration and performance.  

All GEM briefs are based on reliable open-source information and typically highlight key concerns and developments drawn from news articles, reports by election management bodies (EMBs), and election observation reports. The information compiled in GEM is collected through desk research by International IDEA's Electoral Processes Team, using a variety of keyword searches and fully referenced media monitoring.    The GEM briefs are designed to provide a condensed overview of a given election and serve as a point of departure for further research, they are updated on a continuous basis to reflect new insights.

To cite GEM: E. Asplund and J. Tucker (eds), Global Election Monitor (Stockholm: International IDEA, 31 March 2025)

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