When democracies face a loss of trust and global headwinds, they can only regain initiative by ensuring that all ethnicities, genders, and minority groups are included in political processes.
In 2025, International IDEA is focusing a global advocacy campaign on “Democracy for All”, promoting the political representation and democratic rights of historically excluded groups,
The campaign will focus on the institute’s initiatives with women, LGBTQ+ people, youth, ethnicity and Indigenous Peoples, migrants, displaced persons, and persons with disabilities, especially in the Global South, leveraging our experience both in grassroots communities as well as expertise in research and data analytics.
Click on the different labels and dots to learn about the Inclusion Portal and
International IDEA's work in the areas noted below.
From our databases

An online repository of global information featuring applicable provisions in national legal frameworks, including constitutions, political party laws, and electoral laws, regarding the inclusion of Women, Youth, Indigenous Peoples, People with Disabilities, and LGBTQ+ People.

A joint project with the goal to increase the participation and effectiveness of women in political life.