Digitalization and Democracy


Databases and projects

Democracy Tracker - Disinformation
Combating Electoral Foreign Information, Manipulation and Interference (FIMI)

Advancing resilient and gender-sensitive democratic societies that can counter FIMI during electoral periods.  

AI for Electoral Actors

Training others to foster literacy on AI technologies and raise awareness for its human rights implications in elections. 

At the crossroads of digitalization and democracy lies a landscape brimming with both challenges and opportunities. As more and more aspects of life and politics take place in the digital world, this challenge is impossible to ignore. 

Digital technologies enable enhanced connectivity, fostering democratic processes marked by increased citizen engagement and inclusivity, heightened transparency, and greater accountability from governing bodies. These technologies also create ample room for the realization of fundamental human rights and open pathways to limitless human development. However, these very technologies possess the potential to bolster repressive capabilities in the hands of authoritarian regimes, jeopardize fundamental rights, manipulate access to impartial and reliable election information, and entrench power hierarchies.  

The Digitalization and Democracy programme at International IDEA supports democratic institutions and stakeholders in placing democratic values and principles at the forefront when harnessing the advantages of digitalization. It also engages in the protection of democratic institutions from digital threats, including from emerging technologies. The work of the programme includes technical assistance, knowledge production, advocacy and conveying of dialogue.  


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Our experts

Photo of Alberto Fernandez Gibaja, Head of Programme, Digitalization and Democracy
Alberto Fernandez Gibaja
Head of Programme, Digitalization and Democracy
Sebastian Becker Castellaro
Associate Programme Officer – Digitalization & Democracy
Juliane Müller
Juliane Müller
Associate Programme Officer
Cecilia Hammar
Programme Assistant, Digitalization and Democracy


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