Digitalization and Democracy
Artificial Intelligence
In parallel, electoral authorities need to be prepared to protect the electoral process from the uses of AI that political parties and candidates might be doing which risk undermining democratic values and institutions. This includes potentially more influential information campaigns, the dissemination of deceiving synthetic media such as deep fakes, deep audio fakes, or microtargeting campaigns.
To identify and assess current and future developments of AI in elections, International IDEA has published a report identifying use cases and implications of AI in Electoral Management. This research overviews different applications for AI, associated risks and possible mitigation strategies to avert its potential harms.
Following the release of the publication, International IDEA launched the project ‘AI for Electoral Actors’ supported by Microsoft and OpenAI. The project aims to increase AI awareness and literacy among electoral management bodies (EMBs), civil society and the media through expertise-fostering workshops promoting knowledge exchange and platforming regional experiences. Workshop participants will be equipped with the necessary skills to build resilience against malicious AI uses, protect marginalized groups vulnerable to the effects of AI and understand how AI could be used to support electoral management.
Read more about the AI for Electoral Actors project.