Analysis of the elections in Chile

Elections were held in Chile on 15 and 16 May 2021—after being postponed twice[1]—to elect 155 delegates to the Constitutional Convention (which will meet as of July for 9 to 12 months to draft a new constitution whose adoption will be subject to a referendum with compulsory voting); 13 regional governors—the first time governors will be elected rather than designated by the President of the Republic; 345 mayors; and local council members.

Secretary-General in Kuala Lumpur for high-level conference on Democracy in Southeast Asia

On 2-3 September 2017, the Secretary-General of International IDEA, Yves Leterme, attended a high-level conference entitled “Democracy in Southeast Asia: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, jointly organized by the Kofi Annan Foundation and the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM).

Irene Klinger, Organization of American States Director of International Affairs

International IDEA spoke with Irene Klinger, Director of International Affairs at the Organization of American States, during a workshop on the role of regional organizations in promoting and protecting the integrity of elections.

  •  How would you describe your organization's role in promoting and protecting the integrity of elections?
  •  How could regional organizations work together?
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