Call on representatives of democratic nations to abstain from Russia’s election visitors programme


Ahead of the presidential 'election' in Russia scheduled for 15-17 March 2024, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) wishes to underscore the importance of upholding the defining principles of independent international election observation. These include, among others, unimpeded access to key phases of the electoral cycle and to electoral personnel, freedom of movement across the country, and freedom to issue statements and reports. 

The Impact of the 2023 Earthquakes on Türkiye's Presidential and Parliamentary Elections

On 6 February 2023, with a nine-hour interval, two earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 7.5 on the Richter scale struck southern Türkiye. The earthquakes struck approximately four months before the country’s 2023 presidential and legislative elections. 

This case study examines the dynamics of holding these contests in the aftermath. It provides information on the legal and institutional background of elections in Türkiye and discusses the practical matters of organizing elections in the post-earthquake context and results, with tentative lessons learned.

International IDEA condemns Russia's 'election' in Ukraine's occupied territories as an assault on sovereignty and democracy

For the forthcoming 'election' on 15-17 March, the Russian authorities plan to open polling places in some regions of Ukraine, currently occupied and annexed by Russia.  

As has been underscored by the United Nations, the European Union and democratic nations across the globe, Russia’s actions gravely violate international law, the UN Charter and laws of Ukraine. Russia is once again assaulting Ukraine's sovereignty and the integrity of its democratic institutions.  

New project aims to harmonise Pan-African electoral capacities

In response to the European Union’s call for applications, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA) as the co-applicant were awarded a 36-month action project titled – ‘Strengthening Pan-African Capacities for Electoral Observation and Assistance.‘

Financing Electoral Management Body and Electoral Activity Costs in Kenya: The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission

Electoral management in Kenya has undergone many changes since the establishment of the first electoral commission in 1963, through the Kenya Independence Order in Council. The country has also experienced a series of changes in its political system.

Financing Electoral Management Body and Electoral Activity Costs in Nepal

Nepal became a federal democratic republic following the Interim Constitution drafted in 2007, after a decade-long power struggle between the monarchy, political parties and the Maoist insurgents. Nepal's Election Commission has decentralized carrying out its election activities, with each district and province election office having the power to manage resources for the election in its respective area.

Boundary Delimitation & Malapportionment: Practice & Solutions

Boundary delimitation is a crucial stage in the electoral cycle. It plays a significant role in ensuring proportional political representation through adherence to the one person – one vote – one value (OPOVOV) principle. To identify and elaborate on how to tackle the challenges related to malapportionment and gerrymandering on boundary delimitation process, International IDEA, Perludem, Bersih and Tindak Malaysia are jointly organizing a two-day regional roundtable discussion  between EMBs and CSOs from select countries across Asia and the Pacific. 

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