L’Impact de la crise du Covid-19 sur le constitutionnalisme et l’État de droit dans les pays francophones et lusophones d’Afrique de l’Ouest et d’Afrique Centrale

La pandémie COVID19 n'est pas seulement un défi sanitaire pour les pays francophones et lusophones d'Afrique centrale et occidentale. Il s'agit également d'un test décisif pour la consolidation et la durabilité de leurs systèmes de gouvernance démocratique. À cet égard, le respect du constitutionnalisme et de l'État de droit dans le cadre des mesures d'urgence adoptés par leurs gouvernements pour arrêter la propagation du virus est une priorité.

Exchange of practices between European EMBs on special voting arrangements (SVAs)

Over the past months, the spread of COVID-19 has led many electoral management bodies (EMBs) in Europe and across the world to postpone elections to a later date. This period has also seen many governments and EMBs consider new or scaling up existing special voting arrangements such as early, postal and mobile voting in order to avoid crowded polling stations on an election day.  

Another COVID-19 election looming on the horizon

Mongolia’s parliamentary elections look set to take place on 24 June 2020. Known for its long and harsh winters, there’s no better season to hold an election in the Land of the Blue Sky—COVID-19 or not. Despite of the President calling for a postponement in the early stages of the pandemic citing cost-saving motivations, the Parliament and the General Elections Committee (GEC) ventured on. The experience of nearby Republic of Korea in conducting their mid-April elections, albeit with huge caveats, served as encouragement.

A webinar with Indonesian audience on COVID-19 and elections

International IDEA's Senior Programme Manager for Asia & the Pacific, Adhy Aman, in a webinar with an Indonesian audience organized by the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) on Monday, 6 April 2020, suggested the need for alternative methods of elections to be considered during the COVID-19 crisis, in addition to considering alternative dates for the postponed or suspended elections.

'Talanoa' with the Minister - Webinar

International IDEA together with our implementing Partner, Dialogue Fiji, held a “Talanoa with the Minister webinar, on Friday 5 June 2020, under the “Upholding Citizens’ Constitutional Rights for Democratic Consolidation in Fiji” project (C3- Fiji Project) which is part of the activity “Public meetings between citizens and MPs at local level.

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