International IDEA assists indigenous leaders in developing advocacy platform for new Indigenous Peoples Code in Bangsamoro

The first Indigenous Peoples’ Constitutional Assessment Tool (IPCAT) workshop was hosted to enable 30 participants from five IP communities recognized in Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL), including Bangsamoro Transitional Authority (BTA) indigenous MP Romeo Saliga, to systematically analyze the legal framework for indigenous rights in BARMM as represented by the 1987 Constitution, national Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA, 1997) and the BOL.

Bangsamoro Transition: Focus on Parliamentary Systems and Intergovernmental Relations

In partnership with the Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Philippines, International IDEA supported a number of events centered on challenges and opportunities presented by the recent promulgation of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL). This Law protects and embodies the autonomy promised to the Bangsamoro in then Philippines 1987 Constitution and calls for the establishment of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), including an autonomous government and all associated institutions.

International IDEA trains future leaders of civic education in Myanmar

In order to ensure that young people are given the knowledge needed to participate in their democratic surroundings from an early age, International IDEA and its two national partners, Scholar Institute and Paññā Institute, are working on the development and implementation of a civic education curriculum geared towards students from ages 13-16 through the EU funded STEP Democracy programme.


First Regional Forum on ‘Strategic Vision for Development in El Beni’ with broad institutional and citizen participation

The First Regional Forum on a ‘Strategic Vision for Development in El Beni’ was held on 25 June 2019 in the city of Trinidad, the capital of the autonomous region of El Beni, and was organized by the regional civic committee, with the support of International IDEA.

Este artículo está disponible en Español.


Secretary-General Leterme discusses democracy in Europe during visit of Swedish Speaker to Belgium

Does a crisis of representation loom over Swedish and Belgian politics? On Tuesday, 5 February 2019, Speaker of the Swedish Riksdag, Andreas Norlén, visited the Belgian Chamber of Representatives. The occasion for the visit was the opening of the exhibition on ‘One hundred years of Swedish democracy’. In his keynote speech, International IDEA’s Secretary-General analysed the state of Europe’s democracy.

International IDEA launches State of Local Democracy assessment for three Ukrainian cities

Since the Maidan revolution of 2014, Ukraine has embarked on an ambitious decentralisation process that will see more governance responsibilities be transferred to the local level in years to come. On 13 December therefore, International IDEA presented its ‘State of Local Democracy Assessment in Ukraine’.

Accountability in social services: The case of Ulaanbaatar City

“Government and civil society have a role to play to ensure that democratic reforms are well-implemented”, said U. Ganbold, Head of the Public Administration Department, Governor’s Office in Ulaanbaatar City at the Public Forum on Strengthening Public Service Accountability through Citizen Participation held on 6 December 2018 at the Khangarid Palace, Ulaanbaatar City.

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