Webinar on Electoral System of Fiji: Electoral Formula and Ballot Design

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in the presence of our Melanesian Partners held the first webinar of the Democratic Development in Melanesia Webinar Series 2021 on 31 March. The webinar’s topic was “Electoral System of Fiji: Electoral Formula and Ballot Paper Design”. This webinar focused on Fiji and it was designed to help iron out misunderstandings and misgivings about the electoral system in place in Fiji.

Multilateral Action for Democracy Assistance: Assessing the Path, Defining the Future

Members of international organizations, UN diplomats and practitioners gathered on 19 - 20 November 2020 for the global virtual conference “Democracy Now and Next” to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). The conference offered a tour of democracy around the globe with12 sessions and 63 esteemed speakers celebrating the achievements accomplished by the Institute in all regions of the world.

Democracy Day in the Time of the Pandemic: A Sustainable Response to the Global Crisis based on Multilateralism and the Rule of Law

The International community reunited on 16 September 2020 to commemorate Democracy Day during a time of global crisis and uncertainty, reaffirming the key role of democratic institutions and the importance of protecting human rights. Today, in fact, is a pivotal moment for democracy, and while the pandemic has further exposed inequalities and aggravated life conditions of the most vulnerable, governments around the world have the great opportunity to learn and grow from this crisis in order to build a more sustainable type of democracy for the future.

The Plurinational Electoral Body praised the support provided by International IDEA and citizens’ observation missions

In his final appraisal of the comprehensive evolution of the 2020 general election, Dr Salvador Romero, Chair of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), praised the support of international organizations from International IDEA and other national electoral observation missions engaged in the strengthening of democracy, describing the election as "the most complex in the country's democratic history".

Letter from International IDEA to Myanmar Election Commission

The Secretary-General of International IDEA, Dr Kevin Casa-Zamora sent this letter dated 16 October 2020 to H.E. U Hla Thein, Chairman of Union Election Commission of Myanmar on the mVoter2020 application.  


H.E. U Hla Thein 
Union Election Commission

Your Excellency,

International IDEA presents its compliments to H.E. U Hla Thein, Honorable Chairman of the Union Election Commission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

International IDEA strengthens the role of civil society organizations in electoral citizen oversight

Bolivia marked a new milestone in the building of its democracy. On Sunday, 18 October, the 2020 general election’s polling day, the commitment and active participation of 16 civil society organizations that make up Observa Bolivia—a citizens’ initiative aimed at monitoring the election—became evident.

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