Public Presentation And Citizens Sensitisation On Industry Transparency In Nigeria

In collaboration with the International IDEA, the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) launched the 2020-2021 industry audit reports on September 4th, 2023. Supported by the European Union through the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (ROLAC) program phase II, the event aimed to shed light on the operations within Nigeria's extractive industries, including Solid Minerals, Oil and Gas, Fiscal Allocation and Statutory Disbursements (FASD). 

Electoral reforms needed worldwide to protect elections from future emergencies, researchers urge

STOCKHOLM, May 8 – Electoral reforms should be undertaken worldwide to learn the lessons from holding elections during the pandemic and prepare for future emergency situations, leading researchers have said in a new book.

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Electoral Integrity Project (EIP) have published a new extensive volume learning the lessons of holding elections during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

SDG16 Data Initiative Global Report 2022: Are we on track to meeting the 2030 agenda?

This year's SDG16 Data Initiative Report , jointly produced by the SDG16 Data Initiative consortium, aims to evaluate global progress towards realizing Sustainable Development Goal 16—Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. In addition, as we are near the halfway point for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the report constitutes a moment for reflection and clarification of priorities for all actors involved in this collaborative pursuit.

Workshop encourages Bhutan’s Parliament to adopt public hearings, engage with citizens

Under the theme of ‘Taking Parliament to the People’, International IDEA and Bhutan’s Parliamentary Secretariat jointly hosted a three-day workshop for members and staff of the country’s parliament. Held from 20-22 May 2022, the workshop was designed to increase the use of public hearings in Bhutan’s parliamentary process.

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