Statement at the HLPF SDG in Focus: SDG 16 and interlinkages with other SDGs – Peace, justice and strong institutions

High-Level Political Forum
"SDG in Focus: SDG 16 and interlinkages with other SDGs – Peace, justice and strong institutions"
11 July 2024
Statement by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
Inclusive, representative, and accountable institutions, peace, and the rule of law are key dimensions of SDG 16 and central to democracy. International IDEA believes that strengthening democracy is crucial for achieving the 2030 Agenda. Our data shows that democracy achieves better development results than other systems – hence the important recognition of SDG 16 as an enabler of the entire 2030 Agenda.
We would like to bring to this assembly’s attention the publication of a new International IDEA report that unpacks the evidence base on SDG 16 as an enabler of the 2030 agenda. The report finds that SDG 16 shows clear interlinkages across all 17 goals, and significantly for 10 of these goals, including SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 3 (Good Health and Well Being), 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 10 (Reduced Inequalities),11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and 13 (Climate Action).
The report also finds that the dimensions of SDG 16 that have the most enabling effects are targets 16.7 on participatory decision making; 16.3 on justice; 16.4 on reduced arms flow and organised crime; 16.6 on transparent institutions, and 16.5 on reduced corruption. These findings underscore the crucial role of participation, representation, the rule of law, and rights, all key pillars of democracy, in achieving sustainable development. Investments in these areas will lead to gains for individuals and communities, alongside wider development gains and acceleration of progress on the 2030 Agenda.
Merci. Gracias.