CSW69 Interactive Dialogue: Peaceful and Inclusive Societies

69th Commission on the Status of Women
Interactive Dialogue: Peaceful and Inclusive Societies
19 March 2025, UNHQ, New York
Statement by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
We would like to highlight a key component of gender equality and peace that is often sidelined in UN discussions. The strengthening of democratic institutions and processes is crucial for achieving gender equality. Peace, justice, and strong institutions are also key pillars of democracy. And since gender equality is essential for democracy, and democracy is essential for gender equality, SDG 16 and SDG 5 are therefore mutually linked, and achieving both is essential for the success of the 2030 Agenda.
According to International IDEA’s Global State of Democracy Indices, democracies tend to have higher levels of gender equality than non-democratic regimes. Democracies provide more equal access to political power, and more representative decision-making processes. However, despite progress, significant gender disparities persist, and they are even more pronounced in non-democratic contexts. Women continue to face political violence, harassment, and cultural barriers that limit their participation in politics.
Of greater concern is that women are often marginalised from decision-making in conflict and transitional contexts – they remain underrepresented in transitional governments and peacebuilding bodies – even though evidence that women’s presence and participation lead to better and longer-lasting outcomes of peace processes. Reports by International IDEA show that women are also underrepresented in constitutional reform processes that are often part of transitions as countries move from conflict and authoritarian rule to peace. Despite these challenges, women around the world have been central to pro-democracy and peace movements in many authoritarian contexts, including Syria, Myanmar, Sudan, and many others.
As highlighted in the Beijing Declaration of 1995 and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 of 2000, women play a crucial role in securing and maintaining peace.
Women must be recognized for what they are - active agents of change rather than passive recipients. Therefore, women’s participation in peace processes, constitution-making, peace agreements, and other instruments of government should not be optional, but essential.
Women and girls play a key role in advancing and achieving democracy, sustainable development, and peace. It is therefore our duty to support them and ensure they are indeed meaningfully included in these processes.
Thank you.