The international community broadly accepts the necessity of providing significant financial and technical assistance for reconstruction in Ukraine, but equally vital is the provision of concomitant support for Ukraine’s work to preserve and reconstruct its democracy and democratic institutions on its own terms.

Grounded in the political history of independent Ukraine, international comparative experience, and expert input from Ukrainian partners and other specialists, this GSoD In Focus lays out the key questions Ukrainians will face as they restart the regular work of their democratic institutions in the aftermath of the war—or, depending on future circumstances, a significant stepdown of hostilities—taking into account the country’s European Union candidate status.


Publication date
24 October 2022
Number of pages
978-91-7671-554-3 (PDF)


Executive summary


1. Ukrainian democracy before the 2022 war of aggression

2. Challenges and opportunities for democracy protection and strengthening after the war

3. Conclusion


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Supporting Ukraine’s Democracy After the War: Key Issues, Comparative Experience and Best Practices

GSoD In Focus No. 14
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