This paper provides an overview of the purpose, work and outputs of the 16 Democracy Cohorts established or announced by February 2023 in the context of the Summit for Democracy organized by the US Government.

The main contribution of the Democracy Cohorts to the Summit for Democracy process is as key drivers of change by following up on and scaling up existing commitments, and establishing a vision for democratic renewal beyond the Second Summit.

The information contained in this paper was last updated on 1 March 2023 and contains updates on cohort activities up to and including this date.


Publication date
24 March 2023
Thomas Heinmaa, Nicolay Paus
Number of pages
978-91-7671-616-8 (PDF)
978-91-7671-619-9 (Print)


Executive summary


1. Democracy Cohorts as drivers of change in the year of action

2. Structure and process of activities

3. Democracy cohort outcomes

4. The Second Summit and beyond

5. Recommendations

6. Case studies
Case study 1. Youth Political and Civic Engagement cohort
Case study 2. Financial Transparency and Integrity cohort
Case study 3. Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies cohort
Case study 4. Technology for Democracy cohort


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Summit for Democracy Cohorts

Advancing Democracy through Collaboration
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