A broad coalition to unite the representative voice of civil society in all negotiations can offer ‘consensual legitimacy’ to any serious endeavour for ending the war in Sudan.

The Peace Research Institute of the University of Khartoum (PRI) undertook an analysis of these different peacebuilding initiatives, with the ultimate goal of providing a platform for national civilian actors to work together and build a common position on the regional and international diplomatic efforts in progress. The current Report therefore aims at providing a comprehensive analysis and suggesting policy options and recommendations to the PRI for moving forward with the civilian initiatives.

This Report’s results of the analysis show clearly that commonalities between the civil initiatives for ending the war in Sudan are far greater than any differences. Nevertheless, there are disparities in several aspects, which determine—both individually and collectively—their potential impact on the political and diplomatic process. It provides several recommendations and the steps for moving forward.


Publication date
11 December 2023
Musa Adam Abdul Jalil and Elwathig Kameir
Number of pages
978-91-7671-717-2 (PDF)



Executive summary

1. Executive summary

2. Summary of 15 Selected Initiatives

3. Analysis of initiatives

4. Conclusion

About the authors











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Sudanese Civilian Initiatives for Ending the War

Analysis and Synthesis
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