On 17–20 September 2012 International hosted a workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal, on successful strategies for facilitating the inclusion of marginalized groups in customary and democratic governance. 

The participants at this workshop shared examples of good practice in supporting activities to improve inclusion by marginalized groups in democratic and customary/religious governance. 

The main objectives of the workshop were to create a forum in which inclusion practitioners can share examples of good practice in facilitating marginalized groups’ progress from exclusion to inclusion in democratic and customary/religious governance, and to distil key elements of successful inclusion strategies that may be replicable in political context elsewhere.


Publication date
17 September 2012
Number of pages



Sessions: Presentations and Discussions

Session I: Utilization of international and national protection mechanisms

Session II: Utilization of democratic governance structures and utilization of customary and religious structures

Session III: Utilization of media for successful advocacy

Session IV: Utilization of community theatre

Recommendations and Lessons                                   

Annex 1: Participant List

Annex 2: Links to further reading

Annex 3: Feedback Poem

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Successful Strategies Facilitating the Inclusion of Marginalized Groups in Customary and Democratic Governance: Lessons from the Field

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