Over the past two decades, the Organization of American States (OAS) has accumulated a wealth of experience in post-conflict peacebuilding, dialogue promotion and conflict resolution, providing, in turn, invaluable lessons for strengthening democratic systems of governance.

The OAS’s experience in peacebuilding and dialogue promotion has primarily taken place within a broader institutional framework of democratic consolidation and peaceful resolution of disputes, respect for human rights and security.

This Discussion Paper argues that regional organizations like the OAS—given their privileged institutional positioning, convening power and strong normative frameworks—should continue to play a more active role in peaceful resolution of conflict.


Publication date
15 April 2016
Yadira Soto
Number of pages


1. Introduction   

2. The regional context     

3. Strengthening the OAS framework for peacebuilding and conflict prevention     

4. Institutionalizing dialogue in the Americas  

5. The Pro Paz programme in Guatemala     

6. Future roles for the OAS in conflict prevention and peacebuilding       

7. Conclusions    


About the author

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The role of the Organization of American States in conflict-affected states in the Americas

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