After the war broke out in Sudan on 15 April 2023, the critical question became focused, ‘Are regional organizations and initiatives still capable of achieving lasting peace in Sudan?’, where do the weaknesses lie, and what are the strengths in the role of these organizations in making peace in Sudan? Based on these questions, International IDEA in Sudan has organized this seminar: ‘The Pros and Cons of the Regional Initiatives to Stop the War in Sudan’.

From early times, regional organizations and initiatives at the Arab and African levels played a role in mediating the conflicts to bring peace to Sudan. Despite the success of these initiatives in signing peace agreements in Sudan, they could not address the root causes of the conflicts and achieve sustainable peace. Wars and disputes continued, and Sudan continues to move from one warfare to another to this day. This seminar was designed to support regional organizations in adopting a realistic and logical approach capable of producing a lasting peace that addresses the roots of the conflict in Sudan.


Publication date
09 November 2023
Number of pages
978-91-7671-703-5 (PDF)



Executive summary

1. Background

2. Perspectives on the regional initiatives

3. Plenary discussion

4. Recommendations

About the contributors

About the organizations

   International IDEA

   The Sudanese Experts and Facilitators (SEFG)

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The Pros and Cons of the Regional Initiatives to Stop the War in Sudan

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