This report provides a broad, comparative analysis of 27 African countries and 75 political parties. The data was assembled during 2004–06 and was followed by national and sub-regional dialogue workshops between political parties, researchers and civil society.

The agenda for reform that emanated from the research and dialogue process is reflected and discussed in the report.

Legislative regulation of parties, women’s participation, funding of political parties, party democracy and party programmes and policies that represent and reflect the preferences of the people are high on the agenda for the process ahead.

By providing comparative information, this International IDEA publication aims to stimulate debate on the challenges faced by political parties in Africa. It is aimed at political parties, scholars, policymakers and democracy assistance organizations working for political reform in Africa.


Publication date
27 February 2007
Per Nordlund, M. A. Mohamed Salih
Number of pages
978-91-85391-97-4 (Print)




African Party and Electoral Systems

Party Structures and Internal Organization

External Party Regulations

Conclusions and Recommendations

Acronyms and Abbreviations

References and Select Bibliography

About the Authors

About International IDEA

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Political Parties in Africa: Challenges for Sustained Multiparty Democracy

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