Laws regulating the financing of electoral politics in Nigeria, including on political party and campaign finance, are guided by the 1999 Constitution, the 2022 Electoral Act, and the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) 2022 Regulations and Guidelines for Political Parties. Despite the existing control and regulatory frameworks, political finance laws, guidelines and regulations are violated with impunity in Nigeria.

This Case Study examines the regulatory environment in Nigeria in relation to political finance. It also documents some of Nigeria’s recent experiences with the deployment of digital media campaigns and assesses the performance of the country’s political finance oversight agencies in relation to their use. Finally, it examines the future of digital campaigns, the use of financial technology (fintech) in financial transactions during elections, and strategies for regulating the adoption of digital technologies.


Publication date
03 May 2024
Victor Adetula
Number of pages
978-91-7671-765-3 (PDF)


Executive summary


1. Political and legal framework

2. Main trends in political and campaign finance in Nigeria

3. Loopholes and implementation gaps

4. Next steps and recommendations


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Political Finance in the Digital Age: The Case of Nigeria

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