Options for Post-Conflict Constitutional Arrangements in Sudan
This discussion paper, Options for Post-Conflict Constitutional Arrangements in Sudan, was prepared and presented at a seminar organized by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in Sudan in cooperation with the Arab Association for Constitutional Law (AACL). Given the importance of the subject in Sudan’s current history and constitutional future, two constitutional experts; Christina Murray and Kathrin Maria Scherr, were carefully selected based on their extensive experience and knowledge of the constitutional environment in Sudan.
The content of the study was discussed in an expert round table with constitutional experts from different legal and political backgrounds, from Africa and Europe, as well as the Arab and Islamic regions. The study discussed the current constitutional reality and the possible constitutional options for producing a permanent Sudanese Constitution that suits the post-conflict situation in Sudan. The paper also discussed key questions defining the path toward Sudan’s future. Therefore, this study is significant for constitutionalists and those interested in political reform issues in Sudan, including local, regional and international policymakers.
Executive summary
1. Framing the process, identifying key preliminary issues
2. Inclusion and decision making
3. The process of making a ‘permanent’ constitution for Sudan
4. Conclusion
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