The discussion on how technology can be applied to improve the integrity and transparency of elections often focuses on complex and expensive technologies such as biometrics, electronic voting and voter identification systems.

Something unfortunately mentioned far less often is the potential to apply technology in a way that is not only much cheaper, but also arguably more efficient—the use of online tools that provide access to elections-related information based on open data principles. is indeed unfortunate as the absence of at least rudimentary open data approaches in elections can undo and even reverse the integrity gains brought about by other technologies and measures.


Publication date
02 June 2021
Peter Wolf
Number of pages


Related databases & tools


1. Introduction

2. Overview

3. What is open election data?

4. Where can open election data principles be applied?

5. How can progress be made?

6. Managing the risks of open data in elections

7. Stakeholder responsibilities

8. Conclusions


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Open Data in Elections: Why It Is Needed and What Can Be Done to Make More Progress

International IDEA & Friends’ Asia & the Pacific Online Lecture No. 5
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