Victoria held state elections on Saturday 26 November 2022. Six weeks previously, the state had suffered serious floods. 

The aims of this case study are, to give an overview of how the floods and related events unfolded in Victoria, and to explain the legal and institutional background of the Victoria Elections Commission, the electoral system and modes of voting, and how these were affected by the floods, likewise turnout and campaigning, and finally, to describe which risk management (and resilience-building) tools were used to address the challenges.

This case study also provides some lessons and reflections to keep in mind when organizing elections affected by natural events, such as floods.

Read more about other countries' case studies on The Impact of Natural Hazards on Elections page.


Publication date
17 June 2023
Ferran Martinez i Coma
Number of pages



Legal and institutional background

Natural hazards and elections


Voting operations


Inter-agency collaboration

Risk management

Conclusion and lessons learned


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Managing Elections during Floods: The Case of Victoria, Australia

Case Study, July 2023
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