The main purpose of this policy summary is to identify policy areas that political parties can agree on in the fight against poverty in the Andean region, and to analyse the political obstacles to poverty reduction.

A crucial step for endorsing anti-poverty reform is to support opportunities that allow the poor to have greater influence in political decision-making.

Key recommendations relate to the need for economic policy to be linked to social policy goals; and the need for social policies aimed at not only pulling people out of poverty, but also protecting them from sinking into it.

This summary is based on the longer report published in Spanish. 


Publication date
01 March 2008
Gustavo Guerro-Garcia, Kristen Sample
Number of pages
Transparencia Civil Association
978-970-32-5029-5 (Print)




Andean Parties and Political Inclusion

Party Systems and Development
National Report: Bolivia

Decentralizing Development
Case Study: Bolivia

Party Systems and Development
National Report: Colombia

Designing a Strategy to Reduce Poverty and Inequality
Case Study: Colombia

Party Systems and Development
National Report: Ecuador

Free Maternal and Child Health Care
Caste Study: Ecador

Party Systems and Development
National Report: Peru

Health Insurance for the Poor
Case Study: Peru

Party Systems and Development
National Report: Venezuela

Women’s Development Bank
Case Study: Venezuela

About the Authors

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Politics and Poverty in the Andean Region: Policy Summary

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