Inclusion and Gender Equality in Post-Coup Myanmar: Strategies for Constitutional and Democratic Reform
This brief explores inclusion strategies for constitutional and democratic reform in the post-coup context of Myanmar. It highlights the challenges to gender equality and inclusion in Myanmar, including the role and demands of the pro-democracy actors in Myanmar’s post-coup political landscape. It analyses how inclusive Myanmar’s legitimate interim government institutions are and what the revised Federal Democracy Charter states about gender and inclusion.
It is one of a four-part series that also includes Brief No. 1. A Guide to Being an Effective Advocate for Gender Equality, Brief No. 2. Substantive Equality and Women’s Representation in Public Institutions, and Brief No. 3. Preventing Gender-Based Violence in Myanmar, which were written before the 1 February 2021 coup in Myanmar.
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1. What are the challenges of inclusion and gender equality in Myanmar?
2. What have been the roles and demands of women, youth, and ethnic minorities in Myanmar’s post-coup civil disobedience movement?
3. What does the Federal Democracy Charter say about inclusion and gender equality?
4. How inclusive are the interim government institutions: the National Unity Government (NUG), the Committee Representing the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC)?
5. Strategies to enhance the inclusion of women, youth and ethnic minorities in constitutional and democratic reform
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