A revitalized Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has made democracy and the promotion of people-oriented organizations one of its key purposes.

The Preamble of the ASEAN Charter, which came into force in 2008, highlights the centrality of the region’s people in community building and opens with the phrase, ‘We, The Peoples of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’.

This paper seeks to locate and examine certain spaces within ASEAN and the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) where other actors such as parliamentarians, civil society and the public sector could play a role and thus fulfil ASEAN’s democratic aspirations.


Publication date
01 July 2013
Imelda Deinla
Number of pages



The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly: History and Origins

Membership and Structure of AIPA

The Mandate and Functions of AIPA

Recognition and Complementarity between AIPA and ASEAN

Emergence of Parallel Regional Inter-Parliamentary-Civil Society Initiatives

The Role of AIPA in ASEAN Community Building: Future Directions and Policy Recommendations



Acronyms and Abbreviations

Appendix A: AIPA Member Countries

Appendix B: AIPMC Network

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Giving the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly a Voice in the ASEAN Community

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