On 6 August 2021 International IDEA, in partnership with the Law Faculty of Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Corporación Humanas and Comunidad Mujer, held a virtual seminar on gender and rules of procedure in constituent processes. Its objective was to share comparative information about designing rules of procedure (regulations) for constituent processes from a gender-equality perspective with members of the newly constituted Chilean Constitutional Convention, Chilean civil society, academics and legal practitioners.

The open-invitation online event brought together a panel of women constitution-makers from constituent processes in Bolivia, Kenya, South Africa and Tunisia. The experts discussed their respective experiences and the benefits and drawbacks of the rules of procedure that guided their constituent processes. Representatives from the implementing partners moderated expert panel sessions and question-and-answer discussions.


Publication date
10 December 2021
Erin C. Houlihan
Number of pages
978-91-7671-475-1 (PDF)



Acronyms and abbreviations

1. Executive summary and key findings

2. Background and context

3. Seminar objectives

4. Panellists, moderators and participants

5. Sessions


Annex A. Agenda

Annex B. Concept note

Annex C. Key questions/issues to guide panellists’ talking

Annex D. List of panellists and moderators

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Gender and Rules of Procedure in Constituent Processes: A Comparative Discussion in Support of the Chilean Constitutional Convention

Seminar Report, 6 August 2021
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