Electoral management bodies (EMBs) in Africa generally have broad constitutional mandates to oversee electoral processes and the management of elections.

However, in many cases, the establishment of EMBs has not been matched by sufficient or timely commitment of resources needed for the fulfilment of their mandates. The topic of financing elections has therefore become a pressing issue among African election practitioners. 

On 7–8 June 2018 the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) co-organized a conference in Windhoek, Namibia, convened as a platform for the collation of information, sharing of experience and exchange of knowledge on this subject among African EMBs. 

This report presents the main findings from each of the conference sessions. The conference concept note and agenda, as well as a list of participants, are included as annexes.


Publication date
05 November 2018
Rumbidzai Kandawasvika-Nhundu, Noria Mashumba, Nicholas Matatu and Therese Pearce Laanela
Number of pages



Session 1. Financing of EMBs and investments in electoral processes

Session 2. Electoral systems and the timing and sequencing of elections

Session 3. Investing in ICTs for electoral processes

Session 4. The inclusiveness of electoral processes

Session 5. Electoral risk management: an investment for sustainable democracy

Session 6. Electoral justice systems: an investment for accountability and sustainable democracy

Annex A. Concept note

Annex B. Agenda

Annex C. List of participants 

About International IDEA

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Financing of electoral processes: An investment for inclusive and sustainable democracy

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