Election experts from all over the world met in Gaborone, Botswana, on 7–9 March 2011 for the 5th Global Electoral Organization (GEO) conference, organized by International IDEA and the Botswana Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).

Opened by the President of Botswana, S. K. I. Khama, and a keynote speech by former President of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, the GEO 2011 brought together politicians, academics, donors, international organizations and electoral management bodies from 50 countries to share their experiences, discuss current challenges facing elections and new approaches to managing them.

Under the theme of ‘Credible Elections for Democracy’, the conference also coincided with the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day, and women’s involvement in elections was an important crosscutting theme across the entire conference. The deliberations ended with the Gaborone Declaration, which will serve as a reference point for the future to ensure more credible and inclusive electoral processes.

This report serves to summarize the major discussions stemming from the conference, and is divided into four sections, one for each language: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.


Publication date
20 November 2011
Number of pages


Conference Report (English)


List of Acronyms

Background of the Global Electoral Organization (GEO)

GEO 2011

Thematic Areas

Conference Sessions


Annex One: Global Electoral Organization (GEO) Gaborone Declaration 2011

Annex Two: Conference Programme

About the Partners

2. Rapport de la Conférence (français)


Liste des Acronymes

Historique de l’Organisation Électorale Mondiale (GEO

GEO 2011

Domaines Thématiques



Annexe 1

Annexe 2

À Propos des Partenaires

3. Informe de la Conferencia (español)


Lista de acrónimos

Antecedentes de la Red Mundial de Organismos Electorales (GEO

La conferencia 2011 de la GEO

Áreas temáticas

Sesiones de la conferencia


Anexo 1

Anexo 2

Sobre los asociados

4. Relatório da Conferência (português)


Lista de abreviaturas

História da organização eleitoral global (GEO)

GEO 2011

Áreas Temáticas

Sessões da Conferência


Anexo i

Anexo ii

Acerca dos parceiros

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The Fifth Global Electoral Organization Conference: Credible Elections for Democracy

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