These essays tell the story of elections that took place in 2003 in the three countries of the South Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, seen through the eyes of nine regional participants and commentators.

The authors therefore write with the immediacy and the vibrancy that comes with close engagement, and sometimes take strong judgments based on their individual standpoints as the processes unfolded.

While the political situations and dynamics in the three countries are very different, the studies reveal many common challenges for reformers seeking to entrench well-organized, transparent and sustainable election processes. The endeavours of ruling elites to resist or, when pressure for change is strong, dissemble and delay are highlighted.

Even in Georgia, where the fall of a discredited regime has led to widespread celebration, a careful scrutiny of the landscape reveals a picture in which there are perhaps less checks and balances after the ‘Rose Revolution’ than there were before.


Publication date
01 July 2004
Number of pages
91-85391-32-8 (Print)




International IDEA in the South Caucasus: Challenges towards Sustainable Democracy


An Analysis of the 2003 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Armenia
Aghassi Yesayan

Comments on the Analysis of the 2003 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Armenia
Avetik Ishkhanyan

Comments on the Analysis of the 2003 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Armenia
Valerie Poghosyan


An Analysis of the 2003 Presidential Election in the Azerbaijan Republic
Eldar Ismailov

Comments on the Analysis of the 2003 Presidential Elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Mirali Huseynov

Comments on the Analysis of the 2003 Presidential Election in Azerbaijan: ‘Laboratory Materials’ and Lessons Learned in the Latest Presidential Election
Niyazi Mehdi


An Analysis of the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Georgia: A Case Study, November 2003–March 2004
David Usupashvili

Georgia: Through Elections to the ‘Rose Revolution’
Ivlian Haindrava

The Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in Georgia, 2003–2004
Ghia Nodia

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Election Assessment in the South Caucasus

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